What can our graduates give to the world?

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It allows for the diversity of thinking and the interpretation of social phenomena from multiple perspectives. Creativity enables us to decipher cultural codes of the world around us. It simply makes the world a more colourful place.


It enables us to recognize the changes that surround us and to adapt. Through felxibility we are successful in many areas of life.


We are proud of making the right choice. We are proud that our alumni are versatile. We are proud of the value of knowledge that we have gained here.

Why do we love Pécs?

Because it’s been here for us for 2,000 years, and that 2000 year is seen in every nook and cranny. Because the early Christian tombs are part of the world heritage, and because the first university in Hungary is located here. Because here is the Kodály Center, one of the coolest concert halls in the country, the region and Europe. Because the Mecsek entertains, provides an experience, protects it from the north wind of the cudar, and provides it with the finest wines of the country. Because here culture is present in everyday life.

Because it's a real university town. Because it’s a big city, yet it’s familiar, where you can meet an acquaintance on the street at any time. Because there is a festival for every season of the year.

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Doctors of Science (DSc)
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