Education sociology workshop

Research centre of Romology

Education sociology workshop

At the Department of Roma Studies and Education Sociology of UP we have tried in the past two decades in our training, research and development activity to learn and integrate the relevant domestic and international works. In this respect has emerged the demand of calling the researchers of the different thematic fields for joint thinking in the framework of a professional workshop. This was the reason of founding Romology Research Centre in spring 2012, convening the experienced researchers of three topics (linguistic, social studies and education sociology) in a professional workshop series. The fundamental aim of the workshops organized for the different topics is to synthetize scientific level researches, analyses and development based on the existing professional literature and to promote their social utilization through the recommendations of professional policy.

The Education sociology workshop working within the Romology Research Centre highlights several fields:

  • investigation of the Roma-related issues of education sociology and education policy today and in the history,
  • processing, development and propagation of pedagogic methodologies and curriculum contents enforcing inclusion and interculturalism;
  • collection of research data bases and generation of new research.

The sphere of the involved researchers and experts gradually widen the workshop in respect of the given field of investigation. It is an important principle to call the young researchers including romologists, present and earlier PhD students as well as the students of the different faculties of Henrik Wlislocki Vocational College. Calling of the experts of the partner schools and of other practising pedagogues is also inevitable. UP and other institutes and research institutes of the higher education of UP, the institutes of higher education abroad, as well as scientific research institutions and private persons arrive at the workshops from the scientific fields. To provide for wide professional discourse we establish relation with the Hungarian and foreign civil organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGO-s).

The most important achievements of the workshop:

  • Establishment of the network of partner schools with primary schools implementing successful inclusion (Kétújfalu, Báta, Darány) between 2010 and 2012, and continuous operation of the network.
  • Organization of regular - annual - workshops, mainly related to the Conference of the Romologists.
  • Preparation of joint publications with the involvement of the workshop members.
  • 2013 - Equal opportunities in today’s Hungary (volume of studies)
  • 2015 - Inclusive pedagogy (interactive curriculum)
  • 2015 - The bases of education sociology (volume of studies)
  • Implementation of joint researches with the active participation of the students of Henrik Wlislocki Vocational College.
  • 2014-15 - “Amrita” - investigation of an inclusive student community
  • 2016-17 - “Children of the regime change” - follow up investigation
  • 2017-18 - “Inclusivity and resilience in János Arany Program.


Institute of Educational Sciences

H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság str. 6.    +36 72/503 600/24555