Program Details

Dear Students,

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that

According to the joint decision of the Institute Council and the Faculty Leadership, an individual (concessionary) curriculum cannot be provided at the Institute of Psychology. The institute's director and program coordinator do not support this, considering the specific nature of the education conducted here.


Master's Program in Psychology at University of Pécs
Specialization of Counselling and School Psychology



What will you study?

The Institute of Psychology provides full-time master’s degree programme in Psychology with the specialization of Counselling and School Psychology. The students will participate in a practicum-oriented education, which provides the opportunity to gain experiences and routine to work in schools and with individual clients.

  • The main proffessional areas covered:
  • Individual Counselling
  • Family Counselling
  • Observation, assessment in schools.
  • Behavior management
  • Work with special needs studenst
  • Individual learning plans
  • Counselling in Orgainizations

The obtained degree guarantees the comprehensive knowledge that enables graduating students to start their professional carrier or enter doctoral schools and post-graduate programmes in Hungary or abroad.



International program

The standardized European public education and the equivalence of degrees obtained at European universities enable mobility for students. Those participating in university education may enter programmes at foreign universities and utilize their degrees in foreign countries either in further education or on the labour market.  The Institute of Psychology of Pécs supports students’ mobility and the free movement of expertise in Europe by a wide range of international relationships, by available mobility grants such as Erasmus and Socrates, among others, as well as by participating in the work of international and interdisciplinary research teams.


Continuous practicum

During their studies the students having continuous practicum in a school for 3 semesters and they will join a counselling psychologist and work with him/her through two semesters. This type of practicum provides the students the opportunity to directly apply the knowledge gained during the courses. They will have immediate feedback of their performance and can easily develop their methods to reach a high level of understanding and routine in their work.


Teaching at high standards

Our educational programs are closely entwined with the up-to-date and high-standard research activity done at the institute (evolutionary psychological research team, narrative psychological research team, fMRI research team, health psychology, clinically oriented developmental psychology, psychological studies on history and identity). This guarantees that our students not only learn about the major theoretical trends but also acquire the innovative new approaches in psychology and their practical applications.



Student life

The psychology programs in Pécs lay emphasis on maintaining a close professional discussion with students, on supporting capable students’ research activity and participation in the work of research teams as well as on managing joint programmes outside education and professional activities such as the Film Club held several times in each semester, the ‘Psychoclaus’ (Pszichomikulás) held in December, the ‘Psyesta’ (Pszieszta), an annually held psychology conference organized by students, and the ‘Psychocarnival’ (Pszichofarsang) held around the setting in of spring


Institute of Psychology

H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság Str. 6.    +36-72/ 501-516