​Discovering the patterns of attention to threat using different visual search paradigms

Discovering the patterns of attention to threat using different visual search paradigms


Previous research showed that threatening stimuli have an advantage in visual processing and behavioral response. However, the findings were not always replicable, thus, resulting in a debate whether there is a threat superiority effect whatsoever. Hence, the method used in these experiments was met with criticism.
The goal of this project is to investigate the patterns of attention to threat using three different behavioral paradigms: (1) Classic odd-one-out, (2) a unique number matrix task, and (3) an ecologically valid spatial visual search task.

Methods: Behavioral Experiment, Odd-one-out visual search, Touchscreen monitor, Questionnaires, Visual search paradigms, Eye-tracker, Physiology

Visual Cognition and Emotion Lab

H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság str. 6. | Office 204/A    +36-30/121-7035    zsido.andras@pte.hu
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