Psychometric evaluation of specific phobia questionnaires and an epidemiological study of specific phobias

​Psychometric evaluation of specific phobia questionnaires and an epidemiological study of specific phobias


Our goal is manifold: First, to adapt well-established measurements in Hungarian and other languages and evaluate these scales on large (preferably n>2000) samples. Second, to fill a gap regarding the epidemiologies of different Specific Phobias (e.g. Blood/injection/injury, animal, social), provide prevalence rates, detailed descriptive statistics, and further support regarding the reliability and validity of the questionnaires.
Third, to further clinical applications for these measures, we use special populations, DSM criteria-based questions, other questionnaires, item-response analyses, and ROC analyses. Link

Visual Cognition and Emotion Lab

H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság str. 6. | Office 204/A    +36-30/121-7035
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