Threat anticipation in the case of Blood- Injury-Injection phobia

Threat anticipation in the case of Blood- Injury-Injection phobia


As part of our current project, we are conducting a behavioral study related to blood-injury-injection phobia. We would like to examine anticipatory attentional bias towards threatening content related to BII phobia. Processing threatening stimuli is thought to have priority over other types of content. Current studies have shown that neutral stimuli that reliably predict the appearance of threatening content, can elicit anticipatory attentional bias. This is the so-called, cued visual probe task (CVPT). In this arrangement, the bias is triggered by the category of the content (threat), rather than the individual characteristics of the threatening stimuli. We also conducted the experiment with Eye-tracking measurements. For future research, we also plan to adapt this study for EEG.

Visual Cognition and Emotion Lab

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