Why do people fear the supernatural?

Why people fear the supernatural?


The evolution of supernatural fears is an undermined field of research, therefore our main goal was to establish a potential model to explain these phenomena. Supernatural creatures might not mean direct threat, although the fear of them could be evolutionarily explained if they are considered as the fear of unknown objects or potential menacing dangers. Accordingly, the theory presumes that these fears require a small amount of cognitive processing, which explains why supernatural beliefs and fears can be spotted in different cultures simultaneously. However, they are considered mostly learned fears, which are connected to culturally driven cognitions and beliefs; these might be related to sensory and cognitive biases. As a result, the model contains factors for intuitive processing and analytical thinking besides the questionnaires focusing on supernatural beliefs and fears and, in the form of a survey method, it is planned to be distributed in several nations, thus creating a preferably large database of an international sample.

Visual Cognition and Emotion Lab

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