The conference in Cyprus in August 2024 brought together more than 4,000 education researchers. The research team took part in several sessions, presenting elements of their research and development programme launched in 2021, as well as the results of the programme so far.
The aim of the R&D project is to provide mentoring support to one class in each of 10 primary schools - mostly Roma - in the upper secondary school years, to help students and their families make better-informed decisions about school choice and to increase the likelihood of them completing upper secondary education. The results of the development so far show that in three years, the percentage of undecided students has decreased significantly and students are increasingly confident in their plans and optimistic about their future. Alongside senior researchers from our research team, junior researchers (PhD students) also successfully presented at the conference. Their research covered the role of peer mentors in school development. Our results highlight the role of bicultural socialisation in preventing early school leaving and in successful career choices.
The research team gave the following presentations at the event:
Csovcsics, E. (2024): Bicultural Narrative and the Pedagogy of Recognition in Gandhi Roma High School European Conference on Educational Research, 2024. 2024. 08. 27-30. Nicosia, Ciprus
Fehérvári, A., Horváth, G., Varga, A. & Széll, K. (2024): Evaluation of a mentoring programme to prevent early school leaving. European Conference on Educational Research, 2024. 2024. 08. 27-30. Nicosia, Ciprus
Hajdu, N. (2024): Opportunities for Small Schools in Hungary Emerging Researchers' Conference 2024. 08. 26-27. Nicosia, Ciprus
Horváth, G. (2024): Does mentors’ socioeconomic background influence their self-evaluation? Emerging Researchers' Conference 2024. 08. 26-27. Nicosia, Ciprus
Varga, A., Fehérvári, A., Hajdu, N., & Horváth, G. (2024): Peer mentors „For Educational Opportunities” European Conference on Educational Research, 2024. 2024. 08. 27-30. Nicosia, Ciprus
Varga, A., Horváth, G., Orsós, I., & Trendl, F. (2024): An Example Of An Inclusive Community In Higher Education In Hungary From The Perspective Of Roma Youth. European Conference on Educational Research, 2024. 2024. 08. 27-30. Nicosia, Ciprus