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Welcome to the Homepage of the "For Educational Opportunities!" Research Group at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Pécs homepage

For Educational Opportunitites!

Development and Evaluation of a Career Orientation Mentor Program

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In the framework of the Public Education Development Research Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences1, the Inclusive Excellence Research Group2 operating at the University of Pécs won support for the implementation of its plans covering 4 academic years. Our research and development group called "Educational Opportunities"3 involves, in addition to ELTE researchers, Roma student society members operating at the University of Pécs (UP), as well as the secondary institution operating the Arany János Program (Gandhi Secondary School, Dormitory and Elementary School of Music4) and its primary school partners (10 primary schools) into the planned four-year research and development work.

Seeing the problem of the difficulty of enrolling in secondary schools, the main goal of the research and development planned by our Research Group is to develop, test and measure the success of a complex elementary school career guidance and mentoring program. Research examining the prevention and prevention of early school leaving highlights the role of mentors, who can adapt to the student's life situation and needs in a personalized way and find helpful solutions.

The career guidance mentor - the primary school teacher selected for this purpose - helps disadvantaged students to get to the Arany János Program and other secondary institutions, so that they can then obtain a secondary education there. Measuring, describing and disseminating the effectiveness of the mentoring work is the fundamental goal of our research group.



3Research leader: Aranka Varga (PTE), Research group members: Anikó Fehérvári (ELTE), Krisztián Kőszegi (Roma Vocational College), Gergely Horváth (PTE), Natália Jakab (Gandhi High School)



For Educational Opportunities - MTA - PTE