MTA PAB - Commitee of Pedagogy, Mid-term presentations





22 November 2023, 14.00-16.30 - Pécs, PAB

Jointly organized by the MTA PAB Pedagogical Working Committee and the Institute of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, UP, the event of the Scientific Autumn - an insight into the workshops of researchers. Our programme, which took place on 22.11.2023, was co-organized by the Sociology of Education Subcommittee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, as part of the Hungarian Science Day.

During the event the MTA-PTE Research Group for Educational Opportunities was presented:
MTA-PTE Research Group for Educational Opportunities Mid-term scientific report 

 "Recognising the difficulties of school enrolment, the main aim of the research and development planned by our Research Group is to develop, test and measure the impact of a complex career guidance mentoring programme for primary schools. Research on the prevention of early school leaving emphasises the role of mentors, who can tailor their services to the student's life situation and needs, and find solutions to help."
Presentations (14.00-15.30)
Aranka Varga & Anikó Fehérvári: The scientific context, fields, steps and partners of research and development
Ildikó Nezdei: Career guidance development from a mentor's perspective
Krisztián Széll & Anikó Fehérvári: Research in progress - first results 
Gergely Horváth & Noémi Hajdu: Terepen - interventions and experiences 
Discussion (15.30-16.30) Introduction by Ferenc Arató 

The event was attended in person by 28 participants, including teachers from the Institute of Education, teachers and students from Gandhi High School, as well as members of the public interested in public education development. The event was also streamed online, with 20 national and international guests participating.

For Educational Opportunities - MTA - PTE