University of Warsaw

Faculty of Political Science and International Studies



Mr. Jacek Wojnicki, Professor

Jacek Wojnicki

University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies

Department of Political Systems

Full Professor at the Department of Political Systems at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw. For over 20 years, he has been researching the issues of shaping and functioning of the political systems of Central European and Balkan countries, political parties and party systems, as well as public administration – both central and self-governmental. Author of numerous monographs, scientific articles, analyses, expert opinions and papers commissioned by public and private sector institutions. Expert of the Jerzy Regulski Foundation for the Development of Local Democracy. Head of the Department of Political Systems at the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations. Experience in public administration (Chancellery of the Sejm, Warsaw City Hall).

Research: process of transformation in ECE states, parties and party systems, public administration

Key words of research: democratization, transformation, communism and postcommunism, local government, public administration





Adam Szymański, Associate Professor

Adam Szymański

University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies

Department of Political Systems

Adam Szymański is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw; in 2004-2011 also analyst in the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) in Warsaw; in 2012-2013 TÜBITAK research fellow at the Koç University in Istanbul. He is currently the head of the project Democratization and autocratization in multi-level democracies. Analysis of the case of Poland (National Science Centre, programme OPUS 20). He is the member of the General Board of the Polish Political Science Association (PTNP) and chair of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) Research Committee no. 13 “Democratization in Comparative Perspective”. At the University of Warsaw, he is also the vice-chair of the Scientific Council of the Disciplines of Political Science and Administration and Security Studies as well as  head of the Polish Research Group on Contemporary Turkey.

He has published widely on the EU enlargement, Turkish politics as well as democratisation and de-democratisation in comparative perspective. His recent publications:

  • A. Szymański, De-Democratization: The Case of Hungary in a Comparative Perspective, “PS: Political Science & Politics”, 2019 no. 2, pp. 272-273.
  • A. Szymański, J. Wódka, W. Ufel and A. Dziubińska, Between Fair and Rigged. Elections as a Key Determinant of the ‘Borderline Political Regime’ – Turkey in Comparative Perspective, Peter Lang Verlag, Berlin 2020.
  • A. Szymański, “Changes in Executive-Legislative Relationship: A Comparative Analysis of Turkey and Central European Countries”, [in:] I. Khelko, F. Stapenhurst, M. L. Mezey (eds.), Legislative Decline in the 21st Century. A Comparative Perspective, Routledge, Abingdon, New York 2020, pp. 118-128.
  • A. Szymański and A. Cianciara, “Differentiation, Brexit and EU-Turkey relations”, [in:] B. Leruth, S. Gänzle, J. Trondal (eds.) What future for European integration? Differentiated (dis)integration in light of Brexit, Routledge, Abingdon, New York 2020, pp. 182-201.
  • A. Szymański and A. Cianciara, Differentiated integration: towards a new model of European Union–Turkey relations?, “Turkish Studies”, 2020 no. 2 (21), pp. 254-273.
  • A. Cassani, V. Panaro, A. Szymański and Ł. Zamęcki, Democratic backsliding and resilience in extraordinary times: Poland and Italy during the Covid-19 crisis, “Italian Political Science” 2023 no. 1(18), pp. 57-77.
  • A. Szymański and A. F. Cihangiroğlu, Deliberate polarization as a distractive political strategy in economic downturns: the case of Turkey, “British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies,” 2023, DOI: 10.1080/13530194.2023.2251140
  • Ł. Zamęcki and A. Szymański, Unintentional Democratic Backsliders. ‘Evil Always Wins Through the Strength of its Splendid Dupes’ „Polish Political Science Review” (Polski Przegląd Politologiczny), 2023 no. 1(11), pp.24-45.
  • Ł. Zamęcki, R. Mieńkowska-Norkiene and A. Szymański (eds.), Democratic Backsliding in Poland. Why Has Poland Gone to the Dark Side?, Rowman & Littlefield (Lexington Books), Lanham, Boulder, New York, London 2023 – including: A. Szymański, “The Role of the Institutional Factor in the Development of De-democratisation in Poland,” pp. 141-165.
  • R. Mieńkowska-Norkiene, A. Szymański and Ł. Zamęcki, The deteriorating legislative role of the legislature in multilevel democracies. Case of Poland, “The Theory and Practice of Legislation” 2024 no.2(12), pp. 109–134.

Research: Comparative Politics, European Union studies

Key words of research: 
Comparative Politics: democracy, democratisation/de-democratisation, Turkey, Central Europe (Poland), political system
European Union studies: EU enlargement, Turkey-EU relations, Europeanization/de-Europeanization, differentiated integration







Daniel Przastek

Daniel Przastek

University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies

Department of Political History

Ph.D. in humanities with specialisation in politics (2004), habilitation in political science (2017). Dean of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies. Long-serving researcher of the Institute of Political Sciences, University of Warsaw, 2016-2020 Vice Dean of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies. He professionally specialises in modern Polish and global history, cultural policies, and theatre-politics relations. Author of numerous scientific papers and articles. In his theatre activity, a permament collaborator, as a playwright, of the director Michał Zadara. Co-founder of Stowarzyszenie Międzynarodowych Inicjatyw Kulturalnych. Since 2014 contribiutes to Festiwal Teatrów Studenckich START (between 2016 and 2019 as an artistic director).

Research: history of Poland in XX century, cultural policies, culture and politics

Key words of research: Modern Polish and global history, cultural policies, and theatre-politics relations.







Olgierd Annusewicz

Olgierd Annusewicz

University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies

Department of Political Sociology and Political Marketing

Doctor of humanities in the field of political science (2006), acting director of the Centre for Political Analysis UW (since 2016), editor-in-chief of the OAP UW Scientific Quarterly “e-Politikon” (since 2012).  Manager of the research project Political Communication on the Internet (2014) funded by Google Poland. In the years 2010-2019, he gave lectures, among others in Madrid, Prague, Turin, Lecce, Nottingham, Šiauliai.

Research: Political communication, social media, conflict management.







Łukasz Zamęcki

Łukasz Zamęcki

University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies

Department of Political Systems

Ph.D. in Political Science (2010), habilitation in Social Sciences (2020), researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw. Dean’s Plenipotentiary for the discipline of political science and administration. In 2016-2020, Vice-Dean for Scientific Research and International Relations of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw. Formerly, inter alia, Deputy Director of the Institute of European Studies (2012-2016) and head of full-time first cycle studies and full-time MA studies at the Department of European Studies at the University of Warsaw (2010-2012).

Coordinator of pedagogical training at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, University of Warsaw (2010-2011). Participant of the program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education “Leaders in university management” (2019). Deputy head of activity III.3.1 “Scholarships for Olympians” under the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Program at the University of Warsaw.

In 2013-2015, secretary of the Board of the Polish Society for European Studies. Since 2017, secretary of the Research Committee “Socio-political Pluralism” of the International Political Science Association (IPSA).

Head of several research projects, incl. “De-democratization at the times of Covid-19” (4EU+); “Nostalgic deprivation as a source of the development of populism” (National Science Center); “A means to an end. 16+1 formula as a milestone to the New Silk Road” (The IEEM Academic Research Grants). Member of the editorial board of “Przegląd Europejski” [European Review].

Associate of Ministry of National Education and State Examination Committee (incl. co-author of the concept of the matriculation examination in Citizenship Education and a member of the team of experts to develop the curriculum of Citizenship Education), scientific secretary of the Olympiad of Knowledge about Poland and the Contemporary World (2017-), expert of the Ministry of National Education on school textbooks to Citizenship Education, expert of the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program and Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, teacher of Citizenship Education in High Schools. Tutor of a scientific student club, tutor of foreign students. In the years 2010-2019 he gave lectures, among others in Hong Kong, Macau, Chengdu, London, Nicosia, Tallinn, Sofia, Shanghai, Dehli, Tokio, Ottawa.

Research: Contentious politics, democratization, comparative politics, Hong Kong politics

Key words of research: Modern Polish and global history, cultural policies, and theatre-politics relations.








Agnieszka Bejma

Agnieszka Bejma

University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies

Department of Political Theory and Political Thought

Doctor of Political Science (2012, with honours), Assistant Professor [Adiunkt]. Dean’s representative for the student research movement. Since 2016, member of the Board of Research Committee No.  34 “Quality of Democracy”, and since 2018, also of the Board of Research Committee No.  13 “Democracy in Comparative Perspective” of the International Political Science Assosiation (IPSA) and the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). Since 2015, member of the Polish Political Science Association, and since 2018, secretary of the Warsaw Branch of the Polish Political Science Association. Author of publications on the third sector and various aspects of voluntary activism. In the years 2011-2019, she delivered lectures at national and international scientific conferences, including:  Bańska Bystrzyca, Brisbane, Bucharest, Lecce, Milan, Urbino and Turin.

Research: Sociology and psychology of politics, civic activity, political participation, formation of civil society in Central and Eastern Europe, functioning of non-governmental organisations in Central and Eastern Europe, human trafficking and observance of human rights.









Małgorzata Kaczorowska

Małgorzata Kaczorowska

University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies

Department of Political Systems

Ph.D. of political science (2008; dissertation entitled “Devolution in Great Britain. Political Science Study” defended at Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw), researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the University of Warsaw, in 2016-2019 member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Political Sciences of the University of Warsaw. In the years 2013-2019 she was a representative for student internships for political science. In 2015-2018, secretary of the Management Board of the Polish Society of Political Sciences, Warsaw Branch, and since 2018 its vice-president. Since 2016, a member of the Board of the Scientific Committee No. 34 “Quality of Democracy”, and since 2018, a member of the Board of the Scientific Committee No. 23 “Elections, Citizens and Parties” of the International Political Science Society (IPSA). Member of the Polish European Community Studies Association. Member of the expert team of the online magazine entitled “e-Politikon”, as part of the Centre for Political Analysis (OAP). Contractor of Polish and international research projects, including: OPUS 14, entitled “Election failure as a catalyst for change in European political parties,” financed by the National Science Centre. In 2009, co-founder of the British Socio-Political Studies Research Group Britannia. Member of the Interinstitutional Laboratory of Swiss Studies at the Faculty of Modern Languages at the University of Warsaw. Participant of national and international scientific conferences, scientific symposium. She lectured, among others in: Barcelona, Bologna, York, Southampton, Bucharest, Prague, Malta.

Research: Political parties; party systems; internal party democracy; elections and electoral systems; political systems of modern States; the political system of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.









Marcin Tobiasz

Marcin Tobiasz

University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies

Department of Political Theory and Political Thought

Ph.D. of Political Science (2008), Academic at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw. From 2016 to 2019, Deputy Director of the Institute of Political Science. From 2012 to 2016, Head of the first degree study programme in the field of Political Science. Long-standing member, secretary and finally chairman of the Recruitment Committee at the Institute of Political Science of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw. Member of the Review Committee of the Mazovian Branch of the Polish Political Science Association (PTNP). Contractor in the NCN research grant Political representation in modern democracies: limitations and challenges under the supervision of Professor [Profesor Doktor Habilitowany] Tomasz Żyro. Participant in Marie Skłodowska-Curie, Research and Innovation Staff Exchange project (RISE), carried out under the Horizon 2020 programme, coordinator:  Accademia Europea Di Bolzano (Italy), national coordinator: dr Andżelika Mirska, duration:  2019-02-01 – 2023-01-31.

Research: Theory of democracy, political pluralism, political participation, deliberative democracy.







Marta Balcerek-Kosiarz

Marta Balcerek-Kosiarz

University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies

Department of State Sciences and Public Administration

Ph.D. in Political Sciences (2015), researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw. Head of the NCN research project entitled “Rola samorządu w sferze podnoszenia konkurencyjności regionów w Polsce i Republice Federalnej Niemiec” (The role of local government in raising the competitiveness of regions in Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany) (2013–2018). Member of the Polish Political Science Association and the International Political Science Association. Manager and participant of national and international scientific projects funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, NCN and the POWER Programme. Author of expert reports and opinions for the government and local administration. Manager in educational projects. Former Assistant Professor at the Zygmunt Wojciechowski Institute for Western Affairs.  Former Assistant Professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Local Authorities and Self-Government Research Department. Research internships at multiple universities in Germany: in Berlin, Halle and Munich. Scholarship of the Minister of Science and Education for Outstanding Young Scientists (2019–2022) for conducting innovative scientific research and international scientific output. Holder of the City of Poznań Scholarship for young scientists (2014–2015); holder of the Kulczyk Family Foundation Scholarship for outstanding scientific and organisational activity (2013–2014); holder of the Minister of Science and Higher Education Scholarship (2012–2013 and 2008–2010). Primus Inter Pares competition winner (2008).

Research: Local and economic government system (chambers of commerce, chambers of crafts and chambers of agriculture); local and regional development and public management in Poland and Germany; municipal economy, public-private partnership in entrepreneurship and business innovation, intersectoral cooperation, management control in public administration.









Marta Bożewicz

Marta Bożewicz

University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies

Department of Methodology of Political Science

Ph.D. (2018), scholar at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw. Founder and member of “Na Straży Sondaży”, a team associated with the University of Warsaw (2012-2017). In 2014-2016, she sat on the PhD Student Faculty Board at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Warsaw. She has participated in domestic and international research projects, where she provided methodological support for economists, sociologists, and political analysts. She collaborates with CBOS and Kantar Polska as a researcher.

Research: Methodology in the social sciences, marketing studies and public opinion surveys, problems of polls.




Group for Central and Southeast European Political Research

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