Since the 1980s, the topic of school inclusion has been playing an increasingly important role in the international educational discourse. At the same time, this approach also appeared on the social level (social inclusion) and is one of the key concepts of today's social policies around the world. In the United States from the beginning of the 2000s, and in the European discourse from the middle of the 2010s, the issue of diversity and inclusion in relation to higher education became prominent. Parallel to the research and development taking place in public education, it also became clear in the context of higher education that quality education and raising the level of academic excellence is connected to the issue of inclusive excellence. At the same time as the international trends, the research and development activities in which this approach is present also began at the University of Pécs.
The mission of the Inclusive Excellence Research Group is to extend and continuously operate this presence in the arenas of research, development, training and practice - within the framework of an organizational unit. The resulting research group will thus be a trans- and interdisciplinary workshop of the University of Pécs, including the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, which accommodates the humanities and social sciences, which, in addition to exploratory basic and applied research, will also validate the research results in the strategic and tactical areas of development. , and also helps with practical implementation through training services and other forms of organizational services. At the same time, the research group wishes to connect with domestic and international scientific workshops in the field of inclusive excellence.


The purpose of establishing the Inclusive Excellence Research Group is to

  • preserve and maintain BTK's role as an initiator for the implementation of the Inclusive University initiative at the university level, providing a research, strategic and service profile background for the objectives included in the mission statement of the University of Pécs;

  • map existing and planned program elements, programs, their developers and implementers in the implementation of inclusive excellence, and create a joint research and development framework involving decision-makers, active players, and identified key student groups;

  • bring together and strengthen the research of the staff working on inclusive excellence at PTE, strengthen the presence of this research-development and strategic issue in the university's faculties;

  • promote research related to inclusive excellence in the departments of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of PTE, provide a separate faculty forum and opportunities for dialogue, workshops, joint research, development and training;

  • strengthen its research efforts in the field of inclusive excellence in the field of educational science discourse and interdisciplinary discourses in the domestic context, and make the research on the subject internationally visible;

  • through our activities, we use factual means to help our faculty and the entire PTE in creating a diverse, inclusive environment that results in a higher level of quality education and academic excellence.



Inclusive Excellence Research Group