Entrance Exam

The aim of the Entrance Exam

The applicants introduce themselves, show their attitudes and abilities that make them eligible to continue their studies on Master's level in Psychology.

The examination consists of two parts.

Part 1
The applicant introduces him/herself
The applicant Expresses motivation and attitudes
The applicant presents a research proposal in counselling or school psychology and discuss it with the examination board
The research proposal should be submitted prior the exam to the Registrar's Office. The document shold be 4000-6000 characters (with spaces), and should cover the goals, the theoretical background (literature), the hypotheses and the planned methods of the planned research. The board will evaluate the proposed goal of the research and the undersanding of the underlying theoretical background.

Part 2
The applicant takes a practical situation and explains his/her understandings and suggestions.
The applicants can choose by free will from the given situations. They can prepare their answers prior the exam at home.
Downlad the situations here.

For Hungarian citizens the performance of Part 1 and 2 will be evaluated for 1-45 points. Based on the points of the previous studies and the optional points the final result will be given by the Registrar's office and will be administered in the Felvi system. The final decision about the acceptance will be made by the end of July in the Felvi system.


For International students the evaluation of the entrance examination performance and the previous studies will be done by the examination board and a result of 1 to 100 points will be given. The final decision about the acceptance will be made in 8 days after the examination. 

Institute of Psychology

H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság Str. 6.    +36-72/ 501-516    pszichologia.btk@pte.hu