About Pécs




How to get to Pécs

Where is Pécs? Where do I find the University of Pécs? In the following section you find information on how to travel to Pécs by plane, by train or by car.

Reaching Hungary

From most European countries, the easiest way of reaching Hungary is by plane, since flying is fast, comfortable and once you have checked in it is virtually impossible to get lost. There are flights from all over the world to Budapest, the capital of Hungary.

It is also possible to travel to Hungary by international train services - this option is favoured by students coming from neighbouring countries.

From Budapest to Pécs 

1. by Airport Shuttle

After landing in Hungary you'll find an Airport Minibus office at the terminal. We advise you to take an Airport Minibus shuttle which ride to Pécs directly. This is the most convenient way of travelling and it costs approx. HUF 9,000 (≈ EUR 30). Please note, that the University of Pécs does not arrange the shuttle for you. There are two main companies which offer airport shuttle from Budapest to Pécs:

Travel4You Airport Shuttle MECSEK Travel Airport Shuttle

Foreigners driving a car to Hungary are required to hold a valid international driving licence. Car registration and insurance papers are also compulsory. Most of our Dormitories have a safe car park. Driving is on the right-hand side and the seatbelt is compulsory. The speed limit within residential areas is 50 km/h, 90 km/h for secondary roads, 110 km/h for highways and 130 km/h for motorways.

2. By train

Another option for travelling from Budapest to Pécs is the train. Ask the taxi or the Airport Minibus driver to take you to the Keleti Pályaudvar (it means Eastern Railway station in Hungarian). From where you can travel to Pécs by an Inter-City (IC) train. On the website: http://www.elvira.hu/english you can find the IC timetable. The full fare 2nd class ticket with seat reservation will cost about HUF 4,500 (approx. EUR 15). You are advised to take an IC instead of the regular train because IC's are much faster and more comfortable than regular trains.

3. Driving a car

Foreigners driving a car to Hungary are required to hold a valid international driving licence. Car registration and insurance papers are also compulsory. Most of our Dormitories have a safe car park. Driving is on the right-hand side and the seatbelt is compulsory. The speed limit within residential areas is 50 km/h, 90 km/h for secondary roads, 110 km/h for highways and 130 km/h for motorways.




Further to accommodation in Pécs, incoming students have two basic options.

They may stay in a dormitory or seek for alternative accommodation.



Pécs is a beautiful place to study. Not only because it is simultaneously a friendly village and a very active city, in which you never have to be bored.

You can be sure you will find everything that a student could wish.

PTE Campus and CityMap



Department of Community and Social Studies

H-7624, Pécs, Rókus utca 2. (M. épület)    +36-30 893 2950, +36-72-501500/64310    varga.reka3@pte.hu