Mandatory mask wearing from 13th September

The Operative Crew of the University of Pécs defines the rules of mask use from 13 September 2021 until withdrawal in order to create a safe presence education and a safe working environment as follows:

On the premises of the University, it is mandatory to use a surgical mask that constantly covers the mouth and nose in the following cases:

- in the Clinical Centre in accordance with the relevant legal and internal regulations,

- during attendance education sessions held indoors (e.g. lectures, seminars, practice), except for the person giving the lecture,

- in the course of administration with a personal presence,

- in addition to personal presence, during closed-space meetings and board meetings, provided that safe distancing and/or adequate ventilation of the room cannot be ensured.

It is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended to use a surgical mask that constantly covers the mouth and nose in public spaces, corridors, dormitories, offices or indoor events.

Department of Community and Social Studies

H-7624, Pécs, Rókus utca 2. (M. épület)    +36-30 893 2950, +36-72-501500/64310