MA in Adult Education (Andragogy)

MA of Arts in Andragogy/Adult Education
Duration of training
2 years (4 semesters)
Language of instruction
Deadline of application
Tuition fee: EUR 2500/semester (for non-EU students);
EUR 1900/semester (for EU students)
Application fee: EUR 140
Registration fee:
  • Description
  • Application procedure
  • Application requirements
  • More information
  • Curriculum
  • Apply
Description of the program

At the University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities you may study Andragogy/Adult Education as a Single Honours degree. Our graduates develop their knowledge and skills through theory and practice in adult learning and education to achieve successful careers in adult and vocational education, work-place learning, second chance education with basic skills development, coaching and counselling, community education and community development, educational policy and research, international development and special education needs.
In case you apply, you will certainly learn about key issues of adult and lifelong learning contemporary societies are facing, such as participation/access, provision, equity, performance, equality, delivery/methodologies, inclusion as well as about education and learning in terms of its sociological, psychological, historical and philosophical aspects. 
You will also meet different teaching, learning and assessment methods including lectures,
seminars, individual tuition, group-based, co-operative activities and individual and small group research projects. However, the learner-centred approach of ours result in reduced numbers of courses/semester with higher credit-rates so as to enable a deeper engagement in specific aspects of adult learning and education regarding, methods, contents, environment, policies, practices and international trends. Accordingly, your necessary skills, in the scope of communication, collaboration, adaptability with research and analysis, will be developed too in special forms of our program, based on practicality and usage.
Since the University of Pécs is an Erasmus-partner of some distinguished Universities across Europe to research, develop and innovate in the field of adult education/andragogy, enrolled students will be offered to participate an EU-funded international adult education academy (AEA) program in the second year of Master Studies so as to develop practical skills and knowledge together with students of partner universities to study adult education and lifelong learning in the countries represented in the program. 

PDF introduction about the program

UIL és ICAE inputs to Research and Development in Adult Learning and Education

        Skype interview 

        The interview takes around 10-15 minutes. During this interview our colleagues are going to ask questions about your motivation and interests. The main goal of this discussion is to learn more about your foreign language and personal skills, scientific interest – to be able to make the right decision for the advancement of multicultural and open-minded community and academic integrity.

        For a successful application please follow the steps below:

        1. To apply, click on the Apply Now button, and start your application.
        2. Register on our application site, fill the application form, upload the necessary documents and submit your application!
        3. After you have submitted your application, you are going to receive information on the further steps.
        4. If we received your application fee, we are going to start the evaluation of your application.
        Application requirements


        The applicant has to submit the following documents by uploading them to the online application portal of the University of Pécs:

        • Certified and translated (if originals are not in English) copy of undergraduate program transcripts showing satisfactory completion of BA (undergraduate) program. 
        • BA diploma (180 credits)
        • Minimum 30 credits required in the following study fields for entry to the Master's program: humanities like pedagogy, psychology, philisophy, ethics, adult education; communication sciences; information technology, library education; social sciences like sociology, anthropology, political science; economic and legal studies. 
        • Europass CV in English
        • Motivation letter (introduction plus field of interest, etc.) in 3000 to 3500 characters.
        • Copy of valid passport or national ID
        • Medical certificate, (please fill the document and attach the serologic test results)
          • vaccination card (showing that you are immunized against HEP B)
          • HEP A/B/C test*
          • HIV test*
          • Chest X-ray: Please attach the chest’s X-ray result (not the film!) in English/Hungarian! (not older than 3 months)
        • Transfer receipt of the EUR 140 application fee
        • Acceptable online language exams:
          • Duolingo online exam from score 110
          • IELTS Indicator from score 5.5
        • Official copy of the following language exam certificates:  
        • Entrance Exam (personally or via Skype)

        *Please note: tests have to be taken within a year!

        If you have any questions about the program, please contact: 
        Dr. habil Balázs NÉMETH PhD
        Head of the program
        Phone: +36-30-573-1499

        For further information please contact:
        Ms. Vanda BŐCZIN-SIRKECI
        international coordinator
        Phone: + 36 72 501 600/64127; +36 30 186 1686
        English website of the Faculty