Prof. Dr. habil. Zsolt Spéder
Head of Doctoral School of Demography and Sociology
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📧📍 A 333📞 +36308933865🔎 fertility, partnership forms, poverty, inequalities |
Zsolt Spéder is a sociologist and a demographer. He leads the Program in Demography at the Doctoral School of Demography and Sociology.
His areas of research interest are: Family formation and fertility; Attitudes and values towards the family; Social inequalities and poverty; International comparisons. Previously, Zsolt Spéder taught at the Corvinus University of Budapest and conducted research at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock; the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg; the Stockholm University Linnaeus Center on Social Policy and Family Dynamics in Europe; the Social Science Center Berlin (WZB); and Collegium Budapest - Institute of Advanced Study. Currently, he holds the positions of: Professor at the University of Pécs, Department of Sociology; Head of Doctoral School of Demography and Sociology at University of Pécs; Chief Scientific Advisor at the Hungarian Demographic Research Institute (former Director from 1999 until his resignation in 2023); Honorary President of the European Association for Population Studies Council.
Publication Highlights:
- Spéder, Zsolt Termékenységi mintaváltás – a családalapítás átalakulásának demográfiai nyomvonalai Magyarországon SZOCIOLÓGIAI SZEMLE 31 : 2 pp. 4-29. , 26 p. (2021)
- Spéder, Zsolt; Murinkó, Lívia ; Oláh, Livia Sz. Cash support vs. tax incentives: The differential impact of policy interventions on third births in contemporary Hungary POPULATION STUDIES-A JOURNAL OF DEMOGRAPHY 74 : 1 pp. 39-54. , 16 p. (2020)
- Spéder, Zsolt ; Kapitány, Balázs Failure to realize fertility intentions: a key aspect of the post-communist fertility transition POPULATION RESEARCH AND POLICY REVIEW 33 : 3 pp. 393-418. , 26 p. (2014)
- Spéder, Zsolt A szegénység változó arcai. Tények és értelmezések: Tények és értelmezések. Budapest, Magyarország : Századvég Kiadó, Andorka Rudolf Társadalomtudományi Társaság (2002) , 263 p.
Scholarships, Honours, Awards:
- Magyar Érdemrend tisztikeresztje, polgári tagozat, 2021
- Angelusz Róbert egyetemi oktatói díj, 2019
- Pro Familiis-díj,2014
- Fényes Elek-díj, 2007
- Eisnhower Fellowship, 2004
- Collegium Budapest, Institute of Advanced Studies, junior fellow, 1998, 10 month
- Szociológia tanulmányok a frankfurti J.W.Goethe University, 10 hónap
- Soros-ösztöndíj