The Department of Political Studies started working in 1994 with a political science specialization programme, then, it got its accreditation by the Ministry of Education in 1999. Our postgradual programme was launched in 2000, based on the well-established research on local and regional governments. As of today, this programme has become one of the main profile elements of the faculty’s Interdisciplinary Doctoral School.

Currently, the Department of Political Studies has about 130 undergraduate and 35 postgraduate students, and they create one of the strongest and most colourful student communities in the University of Pécs. The department is one of Hungary’s highly granted research workshops on the topics of local societies, international relations, European integration, and the sole institution of Africa-related research.

Our educational activity is based on a set of wide international collaborations. We have participated in the Tempus programme since 1991. From 1993 three of our lecturers could participate in the European Commission’s Jean Monnet Programme. Ágnes Tuka, the senior lecturer has been awarded with the title of Ad personal Jean Monnet Chairholder. In 2012 our department got the title: Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence.

In the frame of the Erasmus (LLP) programme, we have a strong connection on student exchange with several universities from Europe. Year by year we accept students from the Universities of the USA within the frames of bilateral agreements and studying abroad programmes.

We applied for the accreditation of our English language based MA programme on International Relations and we succeeded. We have a great variety of courses of both BA and MA levels conducted in English. In 2012 we were participating in the preparation of a new joint MA programme under the coordination of the Jagiellonian University from Cracow, Poland. The new MA programme (also conducted in English) is focusing on the Visegrad region.

The course is essentially designed for students wishing to study political systems, international relations, political institutions, history and various other fields. The goal of the programme in International Relations is to produce highly qualified experts with a broad education in the Social Sciences, who know the theoretical and practical context of international relations. Graduates will have practical knowledge relating to the system of international organisations and relations, local government systems and local politics, how states and political organisations function, the world of NGOs and political parties, the various types of electoral system and forms of government, the concept of political socialisation, political culture, political communication and how the European Union works.

The aim of the MA degree programme in International Relations is to produce highly qualified experts with a broad education in the social sciences. Graduates of the programme will have a high level of proficiency in both language and negotiation techniques. Their historical, sociological and professional education enables them to think in terms of analysis and synthesis. The knowledge of their subject matter enables them to understand and predict the economic, legal and political processes of the international system.

They are able to put the perspectives of the East-Central European region into context amongst the many challenges of international relations. Graduates know and understand the developmental tendencies of regions outside Europe and have a thorough disciplinary knowledge in the areas of civilisation, world economy, international law and political science - as also practical skills in diplomacy, protocol and negotiation techniques. Equipped with such knowledge and skills, they are fully qualified to pursue their studies in a doctoral degree programme.

I hope you will be a team-member of one of our programs.

Prof. Dr. László Kákai
Head of Department 

Department of Political Science and International Studies

H-7622 Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6. (D épület. 2. emelet)    +36-72/501-500