PhD in Educational Sciences
(Educational theory, history and sociology, romology)



About the Programme

Description, Application, Requirements



The structure of the programme 


Stipendium Hungaricum

Information about the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship


At the University Pécs, you may study the specialties of educational research. Our doctoral school of Education offers Hungarian and English programs as well in the field of History, theory, and sociological perspectives of Education.

Head of program: János Steklács


About the Programme

The main goal of our PhD program is to provide knowledge on research in the educational sciences field, prepare students for this activity, and develop the skills needed to carry out research in this area. The main fields of the research activities of our doctoral school are the historical and theoretical perspectives of education, examination of teaching and learning processes, neuropedagogy, reading literacy, educational sociology, romology, and education of minorities. We expect students who are motivated to research these fields and intend to work in this research community.



Education and Society Doctoral School of Education

7624 Pécs, Ifjúság street 6. Building B    +36-72/ 501-500/24510