Definitions related to administration
The University of Pécs with its 20 000 students, with more than 4 500 international students, with 1 400 lecturers and researchers, with its 10 faculties is one of the largest higher education institutions in Hungary and the centre of knowledge within the Transdanubian region. Its roots date back to 1367.
The University of Pécs has ten faculties, one of which is the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The main campus of the Faculty is located on Ifjúság street, but some departments are located on the Rókus street campus and in the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter. The faculty is the organisational unit in charge of the instruction, research, and artistic activities of related degree programmes in one or more fields of training or discipline of science as defined in the educational programme.
Address: HU-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság street 6.
In the organisational structure of the Faculty, the Institute is a broader concept, an economic, organisational and administrative unit bringing together departments dealing with the same or similar areas of research and education. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has 12 institutes.
Click here to find the head of the international programme of each institute and the departmental administrators.
A concept for the internal organisation of Institutes. The department is the organisational unit that carries out the tasks of training, scientific research and educational organisation in relation to the subjects. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has 39 departments.
- Main tasks: course announcement, keeping in touch with professors, classroom information, late course registration, thesis topic announcement, administration of final exams, dealing with preferential course schedule and course recognition requests, resolving problems relating to grades etc.
An administrational department that helps, supervises and monitors students' academic progress from enrolment to graduation. The Registrar’s Office is a key information hub on campus. The Registrar's Office gathers information about enrolment, and academic and financial records. They can be contacted mainly with actual academic problems and questions and can also provide many types of certificates.
- Main tasks: assisting with student enrolment, keeping records of academic and personal data, checking legal and academic requirements, issuing various types of certificates, late course registration, handling student applications, preparing final exams and issuing diplomas, etc.
Address: HU-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság street 6, Building "D" 1st floor
Click here to see contact informations
The Central Registrar’s Office carries out administrative tasks beyond studies. Because of its central role, it is not responsible for faculty-specific issues, but can help with University-wide problems.
- Main tasks: monitoring of student finances, financial administration, checking legal and academic requirements, carrying out the re-assigned procedure, student card applications etc.
Address: HU-7622 Pécs, Dohány street 1-3, Faculty of Law, Building "Z" basement
The International Office is the administrative body of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Its main tasks are to manage the admission procedure for international students, to assist students entering Hungary, and to handle the administration of incoming and outgoing students participating in various mobility programmes.
Address: HU-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság street 6, Bulding "D", Office 108
The International Centre is a university-level central administrative office. Because of its central role, it is not responsible for faculty-specific issues, but can help with University-wide problems, admission, and accommodation-related administration.
Address: H-7622 Pécs, Vasvári Pál street 4.
The Student Hub is a joint sub-unit of the Student Councils of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Sciences, which works to ensure that international students have a smoother years at the University of Pécs. Its primary task is to inform and support these students from the day of their arrival (whether it's navigating on the campus, restaurants, taxis, etc.). To do this, it operates the Student Hub office, where it is always on call duty to answer questions from international students. In addition, it organises and runs programmes to strengthen the student base and facilitate their integration into Hungarian university life.
Find them on facebook.

Important definitions

In respect of student status means a semester in which the student is registered and his/her student status is not temporarily terminated. In an active semester the student exercises all his/her rights and shall fulfil all his/her obligations specified herein in an active semester.
Means a unit of students’ academic work which represents in relation to the course-unit or curricular unit the estimated time necessary for the acquisition of a specific body of knowledge and the fulfilment of requirements; one credit equals 30 study hours – including the contact hours and the individual student academic working hours -, provided that the student’s accomplishment is accepted the value of the credit does not depend on the evaluation of the student’s performance
Enrolment means the official procedure to establish student status. After the online enrolment in the Neptun, the enrolment is completed by submitting the necessary documents to the Registrar's Office.
Means the European Credit Transfer System, which facilitates student mobility among European higher education institutions for the students of institutions accepting the principles of ECTS
Means a form of assessment to verify and evaluate the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities
Means the part of the term of study devoted to testing and assessment in the framework of which only the end-of-semester assessment of the acquired knowledge is conducted and grades are given
The student shall complete his/her studies in the undergraduate, graduate, the undivided one-tier and postgraduate specialist training courses by taking the final closing examination. The final closing exam shall test and assess the knowledge, skills, and abilities requisite to the award of the diploma, whereby the student shall also prove his/her ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The final closing exam may consist of several parts – the defence of the thesis, and additional oral, written or practical exams – as defined in the curriculum.
Means the part of the term of study. The part of the semester during which teaching takes place and classes are held.
Means the period of time required for obtaining the necessary credits, degree, professional qualification or specialized qualification as defined in the corresponding laws. The length of the programme for BA programmes is 6 semesters, for MA programmes 4 semesters
Means training directed to a professional qualification, which comprises the pertaining content requirements (knowledge, proficiency, skills) in a uniform system
Means a semester the student does not register with or in which his/her student status is temporarily pending for any other reason and during which his/her rights and obligations prevail in a restricted manner
Means a certificate issued by the University for the student who has passed the academic and examination requirements and the prescribed professional practice – except for passing the language examination and writing the thesis work (thesis, degree thesis) – and has earned the prescribed number of credits
Semester means a period of instruction provision of five months divided into instruction period and examination period
Means a further differentiated field of training offered by the given major, not resulting in an independent qualification, but ensuring specialized knowledge,
The recommended curricula are built of subjects. The subjects may be enrolled for by the students also independently, as other optional subjects, but basically the recommended curriculum includes the group of subjects that shall be accomplished by the student in order to complete the given module or their accomplishment is recommended (elective subjects). The subjects (course units) shall consist of those characteristics that are generally true for one subject each. In the ES it shall be represented as one subject if the name and based on the name the content, credit valie, requirement and code as technical characteristics and also the course director are identical. In case a given subject can be registered in different languages within the given training,
The writing and successful defence of the thesis/diploma work/final assignment (hereinafter degree thesis) shall be a condition of the award of the diploma. Thesis shall mean an assignment complying with the requirements of the curriculum concerning its content and form, written individually. The student shall be entitled and obliged to choose the topic of his/her thesis individually or from the topics published in writing by the organisational units of instruction responsible for the major
Exam types
Means a form of assessment to verify and evaluate the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities. The basic exam is the student's first attempt to complete the course.
Means repeating an unsuccessfully taken examination for the first time in the given examination period, so retake examination is the student second attempt to complete the course.
Means repeating an unsuccessfully taken examination for the second time in the given examination period, so repeated retake examination is the students third attempt to complete a course. The fee for the third and subsequent exams is HUF 2500,-, the student must prepare in Neptun and pay it online BEFORE applying for the 3rd and subsequent exams.
Means an examination opportunity to improve a grade obtained in a successful examination taken during the examination period. e.g. if you received grade 4 for the first time when participating the exam, but you would like to go for a 5, you can give it a try – but please note that the latest grade will be valid, even if it is worse grade (3, 2, 1) than you received for the first take.

Types of average

The weighted academic average is used for tracing the performance of the student in credit-based education. The weighted academic average of the credit points earned by the student in the given semester and in the course of his/her studies so far (cumulative average) can both be computed. When calculating the weighted academic average, the aggregate sum of the products of the credit value of the courses successfully accomplished in the given period and their marks shall be divided by the aggregate sum of the credits of the completed courses.
Credit Index is one of the tool suitable for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the student’s performance in a semester. To calculate the credit index, the aggregate sum of the products of the credit value of the successfully accomplished course-units and their grades shall be divided by the thirty credits obtainable during a semester in the case of prescribed progression.
Corrected Credit Index is one of the tool suitable for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the student’s performance in a semester. The corrected credit index can be calculated by the factor corresponding to the ratio of credits obtained during the semester to credits undertaken in the individual course schedule.
The calculation of the combined or cumulated corrected credit index corresponds to the calculation of the corrected credit index with the difference that thirty credits per semester and credits registered for and credits obtained during the whole period of time shall be taken into consideration