Pannónia Scholarship Programme
The Pannónia Scholarship Programme offers both short and long-term mobility opportunities for Hungarian higher education students and staff to study, research, teach, or do traineeships abroad in almost every country.
Call for application: Student Mobility for Learning | Excellence Student Study Mobility | Declaration before commencing international mobility for studies
More Information about Pannónia Scholarship Programme | Mobility for Studies
CEEPUS is an acronym for "Central European Exchange Program for University Studies".
The aim of CEEPUS is to strengthen the mobility of students and teaching staff, organizing special courses between higher education institutions, and by that to support long term cooperation in the area. With these, the CEEPUS program would like to strengthen the strategic role of Central Europe.You can currently travel to the accredited higher education institutions of the following countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Kosovo, Poland, Macedonia, Hungary, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the world’s largest funding organisation for the international exchange of students and researchers.
Originating from a student initiative in 1925, the DAAD has developed into a registered association of German universities and student bodies. Today, it supports academics worldwide and promotes the internationalisation of German universities. It also assists developing countries in establishing efficient universities, strengthens the German language and German studies abroad and advises on issues of education, foreign science policy and development policy.
ABOUT DAAD | Study & Research in Germany
Summer School
In this vibrant European cultural capital city of Pécs, you will find that attending the Pécs Summer School program is an exciting and rewarding experience. You will have a chance to IMPROVE YOUR ACADEMIC SKILLS, meet new LIFELONG FRIENDS from around the world HAVE FUN!
International Credit Mobility (not available at the moment)
International Credit Mobility (ICM) supports the mobility of individuals enrolled or employed at a higher education institution (HEI), from a Programme Country to a Partner Country or vice versa.
ERASMUS+ (not available at the moment)
The objective of “Erasmus+” is to promote transnational learning mobility and cooperation between organisations and policy-makers, as a means of improving quality and excellence, supporting inclusion and equity, and boosting creativity and innovation in the fields of education, vocational education and training, youth and sport.
Study Abroad
Earn college credits in one of the most beautiful Central European cities, with a rich culture dating back to the Roman Empire, at the historical and prestigious University of Pécs. Studying Abroad in Pécs is one of the most exciting experiences for foreign students. You can study at the oldest and one of the largest universities of Hungary.