Issue of Identity:
Visions of European Integration
in V4 and Nordic Countries

University of Pécs submitted a proposal under the Visegrad call for applications titled "Issue of Identity: Visions of European Integration in V4 and Nordic Countries ". The project received approval from the International Visegrad Fund (, with funding of EUR 27,500.00.
Duration of the project: 01.02.2025 - 01.06.2026.
Total eligible costs: EUR 27,500.00
Project partners:
- University of Pécs - Pécs, Hungary:
- Vienna School of International:
- University of Helsinki:
- University of Prešov:
- Nicolaus Copernicus:
This project aims to examine the dynamic interplay between sovereignty and federalism within the European integration through an interdisciplinary lens. It fosters scientific discourse on this crucial topic, engaging policymakers and developing a collaborative public lecture, which will be available to any educational institution interested in the subject.
Our project focuses on the vision of European integration and the complex relationship between sovereignty and federalism, with particular emphasis on the V4 countries (i.e., Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia) compared with Nordic countries (i.e., Finland and Sweden).
Visegrad countries, which regained sovereignty post-communism, have been especially cautious about ceding power to EU institutions. Following the 2004 eastward enlargement, V4 countries have often weighed the benefits of federalism, like economic stability, against concerns over losing national control. Recent crises such as the 2008 economic and migration crisis have intensified these debates and severe internal conflicts, including growing nationalism, populism and new protectionism, making the balance of power between EU institutions and member states a critical topic for both academic exploration and public discourse. Despite the importance of the debate, educational institutions might not have sufficient resources or forums to explore these issues in depth, resulting in limited public discourse. Our goal is to change this situation by fostering broader scientific dialogue on the interplay between sovereignty and federalism, helping to bridge the gap between scholarly research, policy implementation, and public understanding.
The European integration, especially the themes of federalism and sovereignty, involves multifaceted political, social, and historical issues, and different disciplines offer varied frameworks and methodologies for analysing problems. Integrating these perspectives allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the nuances and complexities involved in this issue, and the analysis becomes enriched and more robust.
Thus, as a first step, the project aims to develop an interdisciplinary scientific collaboration among political scientists, historians, researchers working on international relations, and social psychologists to gain a deeper understanding of the issue. The project also intends to engage policymakers in this process and create a connection between scientific and policy knowledge and experiences by encouraging dialogue between scientists and decision-makers. Through this collaboration, we aim to educate university students, especially aspiring diplomats, and foster informed discussions that balance national sovereignty with the benefits of European federal cooperation. By developing a well-structured joint lecture (comprised of online lectures and an offline complementary educational toolkit), we can ensure that citizens and future policymakers deeply understand these issues, promoting policies rooted in a comprehensive knowledge of sovereignty and federalism within the European context.
The project is co-financed by the governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from the International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

University of Pécs - Pécs, Hungary

Vienna School of International

University of Helsinki

University of Prešov