In order to help you to overview your tasks, we have summarized all of the necessary information in connection with the final exam, checking your data, the termination of your student status, and reception of your diploma.
14-24 March (23:59) 2025
24-31 March (23:59) 2025
(Late submission is not possible!)
1 April – 8 May (23:59) 2025
14 April - 9 May 2025
13 May 12:00 (noon) 2025
26 May – 20 June 2025
4 July 2025
Application to Final Examination
If you wish to complete your studies and obtain a diploma in the spring semester of the academic year 2024/2025, please read the following information carefully.
Students intending to take the final examination at the University of Pécs in the final examination period have to comply with the following requirements of the University’s Code of Studies and Examinations Article 59. (8):
"The thesis shall be submitted electronically in the form determined by the University. The student is obliged to upload his/her thesis, the thesis title declaration and other required documents onto the University’s electronic system and commit himself/herself to it by submission. The Faculties can prescribe the submission in printed form besides the electronic form."
Therefore, for the spring semester of the academic year 2024/2025, you will be required to register for final examination and submit a thesis.
Students who have already submitted and uploaded their thesis in a previous semester and have a valid evaluation must also register for the final exam period!
A detailed guide for uploading your thesis can be found here.
Thesis submission
The completed thesis must be uploaded to the Neptun study system by the deadline.
The Declaration of Originality for Thesis and the Copyright disclaimer are part of the thesis. With the Declaration of Originality for Thesis you also commit to uploading your thesis. Both documents must be included at the end of the thesis, signed and attached. Without the documents, we will not be able to accept the thesis. The forms can be found on the Faculty's website under Students/Administration/ Documents and forms (
Those who do not have an active student status anymore need to pay a final exam fee of 20.000 HUF according to Annex 1 of the University’s Code of Charges and Benefits.
Deadline for thesis submission: 31 March (23:59) 2025. Late submission is not possible!
A step-by-step guide for thesis submission can be found here.
Final Exam
You will have more data checking and correction duties, and have to follow the instructions and news of the departments where you intend to take your final exam! The Registrar's Office (RO) does not have information about how the departments will carry out the actual exams, so please, turn to them for specific information!
Final Exam Date
For the participation on the final examination you have to fulfill all the requirements of the curriculum of your study program. The final exam period is from 26 May – 6 June 2025. The exact date of your final exam will be available in Neptun:
Administration > Final Exams > Details > Registered final exam subject and related exams.
By clicking the link below a Neptun user guide will show up explaining how you can find the exact time of your final exam: Final exam date in Neptun
If for any reason you cannot take the final exam you are obliged to inform the Registrar’s Office in writing and to notify your Department in 2 working days prior to the exam.
Final Exam Topics
The final exam topics are available in Neptun. By clicking the link below a Neptun user guide will show up explaining how you can find the topics:
Thesis Evaluation
Once you have uploaded your thesis to the Neptun system, it will be available to the designated lecturers (consultant, opponent). Lecturers also record both the grade and the evaluation in Neptune. Neptun will send you a message about this.
Follow the guide below how to check the results:

- BA training programmes (exceptions listed below)
Components of the Final Exam grade Calculation of the Final Exam Grade Calculation of the Diploma Grade Cumulative weighted academic average (1.) the average of Components (1)., (4.) and (5.) divided by 3, rounded to two decimal places same as the Final Exam Grade The average of the Grade of the Supervisor's review and the Grade of the Opponent's review, rounded to two decimal places (2.) Grade of Thesis Defense (3.) The average of the previous two Components (2. and 3.) without rounding (4.) Grade of the Final Exam (5.) - Psychology BA
Components of the Final Exam grade Calculation of the Final Exam Grade Calculation of the Diploma Grade Cumulative weighted academic average (1.) the average of the five (1-5.) Components, rounded to two decimal places same as the Final Exam Grade The average of the Grade of the Supervisor's review and the Grade of the Opponent's review, without rounding (2.) Grade of Thesis Defense (3.) The average of the Complex Exam grades without rounding (4.) Grade of the Final Exam (5.) - English and American Studies BA
Components of the Final Exam grade Calculation of the Final Exam Grade Calculation of the Diploma Grade Cumulative weighted academic average (1.) the average of Components (1.) and (4.) divided by 2, rounded to two decimal places same as the Final Exam Grade The average of the Grade of the Supervisor's review and the Grade of the Opponent's review, rounded to two decimal places (2.) Grade of Thesis Defense (3.) The average of the previous two Components (2. and 3.) without rounding (4.) - Liberal Arts BA
Components of the Final Exam grade Calculation of the Final Exam Grade Calculation of the Diploma Grade Cumulative weighted academic average (1.) the average of the five (1-5.) Components same as the Final Exam Grade Grade of the Supervisor's review (2.) Grade of the Opponent's review (3.) Grade of Thesis Defense (4.) Grade of the Final Exam (5.)
- MA training programmes (exceptions listed below)
Components of the Final Exam grade Calculation of the Final Exam Grade Calculation of the Diploma Grade Grade of the Supervisor's review (1.) the average of the five (1-5.) Components, rounded to the nearest whole number same as the Final Exam Grade Grade of the Opponent's review (2.) Grade of Thesis Defense (3.) Grade of the first component of the Final Exam (4.) Grade of the second component of the Final Exam (5.) - Andragogy, Human Resource Counselling
Components of the Final Exam grade Calculation of the Final Exam Grade Calculation of the Diploma Grade Grade of the Supervisor's review (1.) the average of the four (1-4.) Components, rounded to the nearest whole number (Final Exam Grade + the average of all semesters' weighted academic averages) divided by 2 Grade of the Opponent's review (2.) Grade of Thesis Defense (3.) Grade of the Final Exam (4.)
In case you have any pending payments towards the university, you have to settle the debt 3 days prior to your final exam at the latest. Unless you complete the pending payments, you will not be allowed to take your final examination. If you can find any unpaid liabilities please pay them as soon as possible because according to UP regulations you are not allowed to take final exam if you have unpaid liabilities.
To check in Neptun if you still have any liabilities please select
Finances > Payment then choose All terms and All status and click List.
The Final Examination fee for students not having student status is 20.000 HUF. You can meet your payment obligation by bank transfer:
Please be informed that the bank account number of the University of Pécs has changed as of 1 August 2021. Please find the new data below!
Name: Pécsi Tudományegyetem
Acronym: PTE
Address: H-7622 Pécs, Vasvári Pál utca 4.
Postal address: 7602 Pécs, Pf. 219.
Tax number: 19308681-4-02
Bank account number: 11731001-23135378-00000000
International tax number: HU 17783941
IBAN number: HU88117310012313537800000000
Bank: OTP Bank
Address: H-1051, Budapest Nádor utca 21.
Date of establishment: 1 August 2021
Please do not forget to email the bank receipt to the Registrar’s Office (RO):!
Also, check your library debts and take back the books you borrowed!
Checking your Grades
After completing the 2024/25/2 term, please check if, all your results (signatures and marks) are in Neptun correctly. Lecturers can record grades in Neptune until 12:00 (noon) 13 May 2025. If anything is mistaken or missing, please turn to the responsible Department to correct the mistake.
In case you have an uncompleted subject, which you do not have to and will not complete, please notify your study administrator:
Personal Data for the Diplomas
In this semester there is no opportunity for checking your personal data in person at the offices. This way it is extremely important, and it is an obligation of students to check-in Neptun if your personal data is correct: full name, the order of your names, birth name, place of birth, date of birth. All of this is important because your diploma will include your personal information from Neptune. The diploma is an official document, so it is essential to provide the correct information. Correction of diplomas is a time consuming and complex process.
Please check your personal data in Neptun under My data > Personal information and Contact information.
Your name will appear on your diploma exactly as it appears in the University records. We print your surname in capital letters. Order of your names: SURNAME Forename (e.g SMITH Maria).
If you can find anything mistaken or missing please correct it, or if you cannot do it please contact the RO:
End of your Student Status
If all credits are completed that are required in your curriculum, your status will be changed to "Absolved" and your student legal status will end on 30 June 2025.
You can check your status in Neptun: Studies > Training data > Status.
You can see the end of your student legal status in Neptun: Studies > Training data > Graduation date.
We will inform you about this.
The condition of issuing the diploma is the successful final exam. After your status in Neptun has been changed to “Graduated”, RO has 30 days to issue your Diploma and Diploma Supplement. You can check your status in Neptun: Studies > Training data > Status.
Due to the exceptional situation we’ll try to produce your degree certificate 3-10 days after your successful Final Exam. An email will be sent to your University email address to let you know when the Diploma has been issued to you. If your Diploma and Diploma Supplement are ready, you can receive them in the following ways:
Sent by post
Although the RO prefers to receive diplomas in person, you have the option to request mailing. In this case, please write an e-mail with the exact mailing address. Please note that postage to remote countries will take time and is often uncertain. It is not possible to have your Diploma and Diploma Supplement mailed when the postal address is Pécs, and unfortunately, it is not possible to deliver the Diplomas to the Embassy of your country.
With authorization at the Registrar's Office
If you are unable to pick up your degree in person you can authorize someone to do it for you. You can find the necessary form here: Authorization Form
Students who successfully finished their studies at UP have a few tasks at hand after they received their diploma. Some tasks have to be done at Hungarian authorities.
If you would like to use your Hungarian diploma in your home country or any other country, you have to go through an administrational process in order to validate your Diploma.
It is important to plan ahead the extension of your residence permit. The validation process may take 2-3 weeks, so calculate your travel date and extension date like this.
In case you need to request the extension of your residence permit, you will need to submit a student status certificate issued by the RO. For the certificate please contact your study administrator via email ( and please do not forget to include the purpose of the certificate (for what you need it).

Students who wish to continue their studies or career in another country (not in Hungary) will need to go through the legalisation procedure of diploma.
Visit the Educational Authority (in Hungarian “Oktatási Hivatal”) to get your diploma intermediate legalised.
The stamp received certifies that the diploma is valid, issued by a Hungarian Higher Education Institution and points out the legal background of that education field.
- You do not need to book an appointment in advance, but please check the consulting hours here (Központi Ügyfélszolgálat)
- you do not need to pay any fee for this procedure
- take your original diploma (scanned version is not acceptable) with you and your passport/ID card
- If you want to authorize someone else to do the procedure for you: Please fill out the authorization form (note: it is only acceptable if the original authorization form is presented)
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 16:00
Friday: 8:00 - 13:30
✉: Budapest XII. district, Maros street 19-21.
☏: +36-1/374-2212
You can go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs only after the Educational Authority legalised your diploma.
Consular Services
The minister legalises signatures and seals appearing on documents issued by Hungarian official bodies. Such documents are divided into two categories based on the country where the document will be used. Distinction shall be made between legalisation procedures by Apostille Certificate and diplomatic legalisation. It is imperative in case of each document to expressly name the country in which the document will be used on the form by which the legalisation procedure is initiated.
Information on the legalization procedure of documents to be used abroad
- you need to fill out a request online
- create an account here:!/login
- you can find the request form at Legalisation (in Hungary) option
- print out the request and sign it
- please book an appointment here in advance: (note: without appointment you cannot visit the office)
- take your printed and signed request, your original diploma, your passport/ID card
- fee: 5500 HUF/ signature – you need to pay for it at the office with your bank card (cash is not accepted!)
- the name of the person who delivers the request needs to be identical with the name on the request (it does not matter whose documents are being legalised). In this case authorization is not needed
- you need authorization if the name of the person who delivers the request is not identical with the name on the request. In this case you need to present the original copy of an official authorization form.
✉: 1027 Budapest II. district Nagy Imre square 4. E Building, ground floor
☏: +36-1/458-1000
If it is required by your country
The administration of each embassy is different, so it is advisable to contact them by phone or by e-mail first. Bring your ID/passport and the original diploma with you and enough money to pay the fee.
Apostille meaning
The Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, the Apostille Convention, or the Apostille Treaty, is an international treaty drafted by the Hague Conference on Private International Law. It specifies the modalities through which a document issued in one of the signatory countries can be certified for legal purposes in all the other signatory states. The Apostille of the Hague is basically a stamp that proves that a document obtained in a country is true and, therefore, must be recognized and accepted as valid in another.
The apostille process consists of placing on an official document, or an extension thereof, an Apostille or annotation that will certify the authenticity of the signature of the public documents issued in a signatory country of the XII Hague Convention, of October 5 1961, which abolishes the requirement of legalization of foreign public documents that must take effect in another signatory country.
Thus, documents issued in a signatory country of the Convention that have been certified by an Apostille must be recognized in any other country of the Agreement without the need for another type of authentication.
To do this, you must first visit the Education Office, which will certify your diploma, and then you must visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the document you have received.
There is a possibility that your country is not a partner country of the Hague Convention. What to do now?
You need a Consular or Embassy legalization, which is for documents that will be used in countries that are not part of the Hague Convention. With respect to countries which have not joined the Apostille Convention, the Department of Consular Affairs and Citizenship carries out the diplomatic legalization of the documents.
In this case, you must first visit the Education Office, who will certify your degree. Then following the legalization at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the documents shall be further legalized by the accredited mission (e.g Embassy) of the target country in Hungary.