About Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship extension

For students
2021. October 6.

According to Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Operational Regulation (III.4.1.) the scholarship holder may extend the scholarship period by a total of two semesters in Hungarian bachelor’s, master’s and one-tier master’s programmes, requesting the semesters one-by-one, always at the end of the last scholarship-financed semester by the deadlines below. 

Scholarships may not be renewed for doctoral, preparatory, specialization and part-time courses. 

Steps of the procedure

1. A printed request signed by the student (explaining why the extension is necessary) has to be submitted to his/her Registrar’s Office AND to his/her home country's responsible authority (via e-mail). Please include your name, your Neptun code, your training programme, your e-mail address and your Stipendium Hungaricum ID, which you will find on your SH scholarship contract in the request for the Registrar's Office.

  • The list of responsible partner country authorities can be found here.
  • Registrar's Offices of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Deadline for submitting the request of extension to the Registrar's Office: 30 November in the fall semester.
  • Deadline for sending your request for extension to the partner country: 15 December in the fall semester.

2. In case your scholarship extension is supported by the Faculty, the support statement will be forwarded DIRECTLY to Tempus Public Foundation (TPF) by the Stipendium Hungaricum (SH) Office of the University of Pécs.

3. In case your scholarship extension is not supported by the Faculty, you will be informed by UP’s SH Office.

4. Your home country will send the reply about your extension request DIRECTLY to the TPF within two weeks from the extension request's submission deadline. If the partner country does not send its response to the TPF within two weeks TPF will make the scholarship extension decision on the basis of the information available.

5. Considering the information obtained from the Faculty and the partner country, TPF will make the final decision on the scholarship extension request, and inform the student, the partner country and the University (SH office) about the decision via email.

Please, note: The extension can be considered as final only if it is approved by TPF in writing. Any extension without the approval of TPF may result in the withdrawal of the scholarship!

Please note: Due to the credit minimum regulation (III.3.7, 8) the extension decision can be revised after the end of the given semester. This means that the scholarship extension decisions can be cancelled if the scholarship holder cannot obtain at least 36 credits in her/his last two active semesters (applicable to scholarship holders started their scholarship status in or after the academic year 2018/19).