The University of Pécs wins the Award for Excellence in Internationalisation

2021. October 27.

"This year’s winner went above and beyond: in response to the pandemic, the University of Pécs, Hungary, quickly acquired a resilient attitude and developed an impressive range of new short-term virtual mobility programmes such as a virtual global internship programme, a COIL project, online summer and winter schools and a career launch strategy training for all students. Their innovative reorganisation paid special attention to creating a community and provides an outstanding example of how to create added value with exciting student-led social programmes."



Prof. Dr. István Tarrósy, International Director, Prof. Dr. Attila Miseta, Rector and Dr. Gyöngyi Pozsgai, Head of Office, with the award (photo: Szabolcs Csortos, UNIV)

The European Association for International Education (EAIE) has awarded the University of Pécs with the above citation. 

The University of Pécs has won this year's Award for Excellence in Internationalisation 2021 for the online short cycle programmes developed and managed by the University's International Directorate. The award is presented by one of the world's largest organisations dedicated to the internationalisation of higher education (EAIE). The University of Pécs is the first Hungarian university to receive this prestigious international award.

In response to the pandemic situation, the Study Abroad and Summer University Office of the International Directorate of the University of Pécs has implemented a large number of international virtual programmes for partner universities and students abroad from spring 2020. The programmes include online summer and winter universities, workshops, training courses, joint online courses developed with American and Italian universities, and virtual internships.

Students from 70 universities in 40 countries across Europe, Asia, the US and Africa have joined the virtual programmes. The academic part of the programmes was provided by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, the Faculty of Culture, Teacher Training and Rural Development. In addition to the high quality academic programmes, there were exciting social events in the evenings.

Read more about the winners on the EAIE website.

Source of the report and pictures in Hungarian: UNIV Pécs.