Thesis formal requirements
Length of the main text of the thesis:
- MA programme: min. 90.000 - max. 110.000 characters including spaces (ca. 50-70 pages).
The number of characters or pages in the main text of the thesis does not include the following sections:
- „Declaration of Originality for Thesis”, „Copyright disclaimer” and the appendix
Page numbering should be placed at the bottom centre of the page.
The thesis must also include „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer” which you can find on the Faculty's website. Without this, the thesis will not be accepted.
Required format:
- Size: A/4 (29.7 x 21cm)
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Margins: 2.5 cm at the bottom, top, righ and left sides
- Font: Times New Roman
- Font size: 12. (60 characters per line, 30 lines per page)
- Paragraph: justified, but each new paragraph begins with an indent, the extent of which is 1.25 cm (first line)
- Page number: bottom center
The thesis must be submitted online. The full text of the thesis must be submitted in one document in pdf format, using the title-form below:
<year of submission>_<name of thesis author>_<first 4 words or 30 characters of title>.<extension>.
Example format: 2022_John_Smith_The title of the thesis.pdf
For more information please contact your supervisor, or department.
Length of the main text of the thesis:
- BA programme: minimum of 25 and a maximum of 50 pages, including figures and tables, but excluding list of works cited.
The number of characters or pages in the main text of the thesis does not include the following sections:
- list of works cited
- „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer”
Page numbering should be placed at the bottom centre of the page.
The thesis must also include „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer” which you can find on the Faculty's website. Without this, the thesis will not be accepted.
Required format:
- Size: A/4
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Margins: 3.5 cm at the right side, 2.5 cm at the bottom, top, and left.
- Font: Times New Roman,
- Font size: 12.
- Paragraph: justified
- Page number: bottom center
Citation: APA (see, is generally preferred. The format should be consistent within the document.
The thesis must be submitted online. The full text of the thesis must be submitted in one document in pdf format, using the title-form below:
<year of submission>_<name of thesis author>_<first 4 words or 30 characters of title>.<extension>.
Example format: 2022_John_Smith_The title of the thesis.pdf
For more information please contact your supervisor, or department.
Length of the main text of the thesis:
- BA programme: Approximately 40 000 characters, including spaces (ca. 20-25 pages).
- MA programme: Approximately 100 000 characters, including spaces (ca. 60-65 pages).
The number of characters or pages in the main text of the thesis does not include the following sections:
- abstract
- table of contents
- annexes (if any)
- list of works cited
- „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer”
Page numbering should be placed at the bottom centre of the page.
The thesis must also include „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer” which you can find on the Faculty's website. Without this, the thesis will not be accepted.
Required format:
- Size: A/4
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Margins: 3.5 cm at the right side, 2.5 cm at the bottom, top, and left.
- Font: Times New Roman,
- Font size: 12.
- Paragraph: justified
- Page number: bottom center
Citation: MLA (see, is generally preferred for literature, APA (see, for linguistics and applied linguistics. The format should be consistent within the document.
The thesis must be submitted online. The full text of the thesis must be submitted in one document in pdf format, using the title-form below:
<year of submission>_<name of thesis author>_<first 4 words or 30 characters of title>.<extension>.
Example format: 2022_John_Smith_The title of the thesis.pdf
For more information please contact your supervisor, or department.
Length of the main text of the thesis:
- BA programme: Approximately 40 000 characters including spaces (ca. 20-25 pages) (max. 80 000 characters).
The number of characters or pages in the main text of the thesis does not include the following sections:
- abstract
- table of contents
- annexes (if any)
- list of works cited
- „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer”
Page numbering should be placed at the bottom centre of the page.
The thesis must also include „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer” which you can find on the Faculty's website. Without this, the thesis will not be accepted.
Required format:
- Size: A/4
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Margins: 3.5 cm at the right side, 2.5 cm at the bottom, top, and left.
- Font: Times New Roman,
- Font size: 12.
- Paragraph: justified
- Page number: bottom center
Citation: APA (see, is generally preferred. The format should be consistent within the document.
The thesis must be submitted online. The full text of the thesis must be submitted in one document in pdf format, using the title-form below:
<year of submission>_<name of thesis author>_<first 4 words or 30 characters of title>.<extension>.
Example format: 2022_John_Smith_The title of the thesis.pdf
For more information please contact your supervisor, or department.
Length of the main text of the thesis:
- BA programme: Approximately 40 000 characters, maximum 100.000 characters including spaces (ca. 25-50 pages).
- MA programme: Approximately 80 000 characters, maximum 140.000 characters including spaces (ca. 40-70 pages).
The number of characters or pages in the main text of the thesis does not include the following sections:
- abstract
- table of contents
- annexes (if any)
- list of works cited
- „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer”
Page numbering should be placed at the bottom centre of the page.
The thesis must also include „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer” which you can find on the Faculty's website. Without this, the thesis will not be accepted.
Required format:
- Size: A/4
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Margins: 2.5 cm at the bottom, top, right and left.
- Font: Times New Roman,
- Font size: 12.
- Paragraph: justified
- Page number: bottom center
Citation: APA (see, is generally preferred The format should be consistent within the document.
The thesis must be submitted online. The full text of the thesis must be submitted in one document in pdf format, using the title-form below:
<year of submission>_<name of thesis author>_<first 4 words or 30 characters of title>.<extension>.
Example format: 2022_John_Smith_The title of the thesis.pdf
For more information please contact your supervisor, or department.
Length of the main text of the thesis:
The length of the submission should be between 55 000 - 70 000 characters with spaces, including the footnotes, abstract, keywords. The number of characters in the main text of the thesis does not include the following sections:
- table of contents
- annexes (if any)
- list of works cited/references
- „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer”
The text should include: a references list (alphabetical order), an abstract (max. 500 characters), keywords (max. 5 words).
The thesis must also include „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer” which you can find on the Faculty's website. Without this, the thesis will not be accepted.
Required format:
- Size: A/4
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Margins: 3.5 cm at the right side, 2.5 cm at the bottom, top, and left.
- Font: Times New Roman,
- Font size: 12.
- Paragraph: justified
- Page number: top center
Citation: see the detailed description on the homepage of the program
The thesis must be submitted online. The full text of the thesis must be submitted in one document in pdf format, using the title-form below:
<year of submission>_<name of thesis author>_<first 4 words or 30 characters of title>.<extension>.
Example format: 2022_John_Smith_The title of the thesis.pdf
For more information please contact your supervisor, or department.
Length of the main text of the thesis:
- BA programme: Approximately 40 000 characters including spaces (ca. 20-25 pages).
The number of characters or pages in the main text of the thesis does not include the following sections:
- abstract
- table of contents
- annexes (if any)
- list of works cited
- „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer”
Page numbering should be placed at the bottom centre of the page.
The thesis must also include „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer” which you can find on the Faculty's website. Without this, the thesis will not be accepted.
Required format:
- Size: A/4
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Margins: 3.5 cm at the right side, 2.5 cm at the bottom, top, and left.
- Font: Times New Roman,
- Font size: 12.
- Paragraph: justified
- Page number: bottom center
Citation: The citation technique should preferably follow best practice in the discipline
The thesis must be submitted online. Preferred method of uploading: the student should make the thesis available to the referees in both WORD and PDF format, so please upload the thesis as a compressed file.
<year of submission>_<name of thesis author>_<first 4 words or 30 characters of title>.<extension>.
Example format: 2022_John_Smith_The title of the thesis.pdf
For more information please contact your supervisor, or department.
Psychology, BA - In the Psychology BA study programme, due to the specificities of the curriculum, students are required to prepare Research Papers. The thesis is the collection of the Research Papers you have written.
Length of the main text of the Research Paper (each):
- 30.000 - 40.000 characters
Psychology, MA - In the Psychology MA, students are required to write a thesis.
Length of the main text of the thesis:
- Approximately 100.000 characters, including spaces
The number of characters or pages in the main text of the thesis/research papers does not include the following sections:
- abstract
- table of contents
- annexes (if any)
- list of works cited
- „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer”
The thesis/research papers must also include „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer” which you can find on the Faculty's website. Without this, the thesis will not be accepted.
Required format:
- Size: A/4
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Margins: 2.5 cm at the bottom, top, right and left.
- Font: Times New Roman,
- Font size: 12.
- Paragraph: justified
- Page number: bottom center
Citation: APA (see, is mandatory. The format should be consistent within the document.
For more information please visit the Faculty's site here.
Length of the main text of the thesis:
- BA programme: minimum of 25 and a maximum of 50 pages, including figures and tables, but excluding list of works cited.
The number of characters or pages in the main text of the thesis does not include the following sections:
- list of works cited
- „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer”
Page numbering should be placed at the bottom centre of the page.
The thesis must also include „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer” which you can find on the Faculty's website. Without this, the thesis will not be accepted.
Required format:
- Size: A/4
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Margins: 3.5 cm at the right side, 2.5 cm at the bottom, top, and left.
- Font: Times New Roman,
- Font size: 12.
- Paragraph: justified
- Page number: bottom center
Citation: APA (see, is generally preferred. The format should be consistent within the document.
The thesis must be submitted online. The full text of the thesis must be submitted in one document in pdf format, using the title-form below:
<year of submission>_<name of thesis author>_<first 4 words or 30 characters of title>.<extension>.
Example format: 2022_John_Smith_The title of the thesis.pdf
For more information please contact your supervisor, or department.
Length of the main text of the thesis:
- BA programme: minimum of 25 and a maximum of 50 pages, including figures and tables, but excluding list of works cited.
The number of characters or pages in the main text of the thesis does not include the following sections:
- list of works cited
- „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer”
Page numbering should be placed at the bottom centre of the page.
The thesis must also include „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer” which you can find on the Faculty's website. Without this, the thesis will not be accepted.
Required format:
- Size: A/4
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Margins: 3.5 cm at the right side, 2.5 cm at the bottom, top, and left.
- Font: Times New Roman,
- Font size: 12.
- Paragraph: justified
- Page number: bottom center
Citation: APA (see, is generally preferred. The format should be consistent within the document.
The thesis must be submitted online. The full text of the thesis must be submitted in one document in pdf format, using the title-form below:
<year of submission>_<name of thesis author>_<first 4 words or 30 characters of title>.<extension>.
Example format: 2022_John_Smith_The title of the thesis.pdf
For more information please contact your supervisor, or department.
Length of the main text of the thesis:
- BA programme: minimum of 25 and a maximum of 50 pages, including figures and tables, but excluding list of works cited.
The number of characters or pages in the main text of the thesis does not include the following sections:
- list of works cited
- „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer”
Page numbering should be placed at the bottom centre of the page.
The thesis must also include „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer” which you can find on the Faculty's website. Without this, the thesis will not be accepted.
Required format:
- Size: A/4
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Margins: 3.5 cm at the right side, 2.5 cm at the bottom, top, and left.
- Font: Times New Roman,
- Font size: 12.
- Paragraph: justified
- Page number: bottom center
Citation: APA (see, is generally preferred. The format should be consistent within the document.
The thesis must be submitted online. The full text of the thesis must be submitted in one document in pdf format, using the title-form below:
<year of submission>_<name of thesis author>_<first 4 words or 30 characters of title>.<extension>.
Example format: 2022_John_Smith_The title of the thesis.pdf
For more information please contact your supervisor, or department.
Length of the main text of the thesis:
- MA programme: min. 90.000 - max. 110.000 characters including spaces (ca. 50-70 pages).
The number of characters or pages in the main text of the thesis does not include the following sections:
- „Declaration of Originality for Thesis”, „Copyright disclaimer” and the appendix
Page numbering should be placed at the bottom centre of the page.
The thesis must also include „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer” which you can find on the Faculty's website. Without this, the thesis will not be accepted.
Required format:
- Size: A/4 (29.7 x 21cm)
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Margins: 2.5 cm at the bottom, top, righ and left sides
- Font: Times New Roman
- Font size: 12. (60 characters per line, 30 lines per page)
- Paragraph: justified, but each new paragraph begins with an indent, the extent of which is 1.25 cm (first line)
- Page number: bottom center
The thesis must be submitted online. The full text of the thesis must be submitted in one document in pdf format, using the title-form below:
<year of submission>_<name of thesis author>_<first 4 words or 30 characters of title>.<extension>.
Example format: 2022_John_Smith_The title of the thesis.pdf
For more information please contact your supervisor, or department.
Length of the main text of the thesis:
- BA programme: minimum of 25 and a maximum of 50 pages, including figures and tables, but excluding list of works cited.
The number of characters or pages in the main text of the thesis does not include the following sections:
- list of works cited
- „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer”
Page numbering should be placed at the bottom centre of the page.
The thesis must also include „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer” which you can find on the Faculty's website. Without this, the thesis will not be accepted.
Required format:
- Size: A/4
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Margins: 3.5 cm at the right side, 2.5 cm at the bottom, top, and left.
- Font: Times New Roman,
- Font size: 12.
- Paragraph: justified
- Page number: bottom center
Citation: APA (see, is generally preferred. The format should be consistent within the document.
The thesis must be submitted online. The full text of the thesis must be submitted in one document in pdf format, using the title-form below:
<year of submission>_<name of thesis author>_<first 4 words or 30 characters of title>.<extension>.
Example format: 2022_John_Smith_The title of the thesis.pdf
For more information please contact your supervisor, or department.
Length of the main text of the thesis:
- BA programme: Approximately 40 000 characters, including spaces (ca. 20-25 pages).
- MA programme: Approximately 100 000 characters, including spaces (ca. 60-65 pages).
The number of characters or pages in the main text of the thesis does not include the following sections:
- abstract
- table of contents
- annexes (if any)
- list of works cited
- „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer”
Page numbering should be placed at the bottom centre of the page.
The thesis must also include „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer” which you can find on the Faculty's website. Without this, the thesis will not be accepted.
Required format:
- Size: A/4
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Margins: 3.5 cm at the right side, 2.5 cm at the bottom, top, and left.
- Font: Times New Roman,
- Font size: 12.
- Paragraph: justified
- Page number: bottom center
Citation: APA (see, is generally preferred The format should be consistent within the document.
The thesis must be submitted online. The full text of the thesis must be submitted in one document in pdf format, using the title-form below:
<year of submission>_<name of thesis author>_<first 4 words or 30 characters of title>.<extension>.
Example format: 2022_John_Smith_The title of the thesis.pdf
For more information please contact your supervisor, or department.
Length of the main text of the thesis:
- BA programme: Approximately 40 000 characters, including spaces (ca. 20-25 pages).
- MA programme: Approximately 100 000 characters, including spaces (ca. 60-65 pages).
The number of characters or pages in the main text of the thesis does not include the following sections:
- abstract
- table of contents
- annexes (if any)
- list of works cited
- „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer”
Page numbering should be placed at the bottom centre of the page.
The thesis must also include „Declaration of Originality for Thesis” and „Copyright disclaimer” which you can find on the Faculty's website. Without this, the thesis will not be accepted.
Required format:
- Size: A/4
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Margins: 3.5 cm at the right side, 2.5 cm at the bottom, top, and left.
- Font: Times New Roman,
- Font size: 12.
- Paragraph: justified
- Page number: bottom center
Citation: APA (see, is generally preferred The format should be consistent within the document.
The thesis must be submitted online. The full text of the thesis must be submitted in one document in pdf format, using the title-form below:
<year of submission>_<name of thesis author>_<first 4 words or 30 characters of title>.<extension>.
Example format: 2022_John_Smith_The title of the thesis.pdf
For more information please contact your supervisor, or department.