International Politics Programme



Basic data

Institution: University of Pécs

Branch of Science: Social Sciences

Research Field: Political Sciences 

Research Area: International political relations

Name of Program: Interdisciplinary Doctoral School / Doctoral Program in International Politics

Language: English

Coordinating department: Department of Political Science and International Studies

Head of program: Prof. Dr. István Tarrósy PhD, professor, director



The aim of the doctoral program is to offer a wide variety of topics for the study of the actors, processes, intersections, and complexities of International Politics to those committed minds and talents who wish to foster research in any of the major relevant sub-fields in an interdisciplinary manner. The instructors and thesis supervisors of the program represent an extensive pool of expertise embracing Political Science, International Relations, International Law, Regional/Area Studies, therefore, provide substantial support to students both from methodological and theoretical perspectives. The interdisciplinary character of the program is strongly reinforced by the natural cooperation with other programs of the Doctoral School, including History, Ethnography, and Cultural Anthropology.

The program has been dynamically developing its circle of partnerships and collaborations both nationally and internationally. Doctoral students have the opportunity to join projects, take part in fieldwork, and participate in many exchange programs in different corners of the Globe. The host department also offers a wide range of scientific and intercultural events.


Application procedure and useful information

Programme details:

Information for applicants with Stipendium Hungaricum:


Core courses

  • Contemporary Theories of IR
  • The Political Economy of Inequalities
  • Critical Geopolitics and Globalization
  • Comparative Civil Society
  • Societies and Regimes in Transition
  • Governance in Theory and Practice
  • Old Themes, New Challenges in Political Theory 
  • International Public Policy Studies
  • Contemporary International Law
  • Cases of Development Policy Across the Globe
  • Comparative Security Policy
  • Research Design in IR



Prof. Dr. István Tarrósy
head of program

Interdiszciplináris Doktori Iskola

H-7624 Pécs, Rókus u. 2.    06 (72) 503-642