8th Adult Education Academy

Public interest
2020. September 7.

8th Adult Education Academy on International & Comparative Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning (former Winter School).

It will take place from 1.-12. February 2021 on Campus Würzburg in Germany.

Topic: International & comparative studies in adult education & lifelong learning.


As for all of us the situation in 2021 is not clear, all participants can decide for an on-site or virtual option.

If participants decide for the on-site option, they also can change this to a virtual mode, if the Covid-19-situation does not allow an on-site mode.


Please be aware, that the application deadline ends on 21. September 2020.

Participants can apply here: https://www.paedagogik.uni-wuerzburg.de/lifelonglearning/application/


We also expect to have again travel allowance/subsidies for travelling to Germany.

We are happy, if you will forward this information to your students.

Further information are provided here: https://www.paedagogik.uni-wuerzburg.de/lifelonglearning/application/travel-allowances/


The one and only thing you have to send by 12.00h CET on 14th September is a short one-page-letter of motivation!


Please feel free also to contact the organising team at UniWürzburg for any question at lifelonglearning@uni-wuerzburg.de


Apply until 21. September 2020: go.uniwue.de/lifelonglearning


Details in the attachement