
2022. 11. 24., cs - 14:30 | Use of photo and video methods in community-based projects – presentation & interactive workshop

Dear Students, dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to a presentation and an interactive workshop. The event is hosted by the Department of Community and Social Studies (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences).
The programme is part of the Community Development/Creative Industry study programme in the frameworks of the Indonesian International Vocational Student Mobility Award (IISMAVO), and an event in a series of jubilee programs to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Presenter: Gábor Rumann (documentary director, member of MADOKE, the Hungarian Documentary Association; member of the Control Studio Film Association; and the Minor Media/Culture Research Centre, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. He is also a lecturer at UP)
We invite students and colleagues to participate and integrate their knowledge on the theme.

Registration is not required but seats might be limited as the event is part of the IISMAVO programme.

Further information: Dr. Rebeka Jávor, Assistant Professor (javor.rebeka@pte.hu)

2022. 10. 17., h - 16:00 | Therapeutic communities (tcs) and recovery movements – presentation & interactive workshop

Dear Students, dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to a presentation and an interactive workshop. The event is hosted by the Department of Community and Social Studies (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences).
The programme is part of the Community Development/Creative Industry study programme in the frameworks of the Indonesian International Vocational Student Mobility Award (IISMAVO), and an event in a series of jubilee programs to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Presenter: Dr. Zsolt Nagy, PhD. (addiction consultant, practitioner and part-time lecturer at Semmelweis University, Budapest, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, and Károli Gáspár Reformed Church University, Budapest; and a former international student at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, and Sussex University, Brighton, UK)
We invite students and colleagues to participate and integrate their knowledge on the theme.

Registration is not required but seats might be limited as the event is part of the IISMAVO programme.

Further information: Dr. Rebeka Jávor, Assistant Professor (javor.rebeka@pte.hu)

2022. 06. 16. | Oktatói identitás a felsőoktatásban - online nemzetközi konferencia






2021. október 21. | Konferencia Felhívás Programértékelés a szociális munkában



program 1



Közösségi és Szociális Tanulmányok Tanszék

H-7624, Pécs, Rókus utca 2. (M. épület)    +36 30 893 2950    torma.szilvia@pte.hu