
Habituation towards medical-related threatening content







In this study, we want to investigate the role of arousal in the processing of threatening content.

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Blood-Injury-Injection Phobia Picture Database









Our goal is to create an image database where phobia-related content is grouped along these emotions.

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Emotion recognition on faces and bodies in social anxiety









After examining connections between social anxiety and facial recognition, we turned our attention towards the lesser-researched field of the recognition and categorization of emotions on full-body pictures in connection with social anxiety, cognitive emotion regulation, and cognitive styles.

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Why do people fear the supernatural?









The evolution of supernatural fears is an undermined field of research, therefore our main goal was to establish a potential model to explain these phenomena.

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Threat anticipation in the case of Blood- Injury-Injection phobia








As part of our current project, we are conducting a behavioral study related to blood-injury-injection phobia. We would like to examine anticipatory attentional bias towards threatening content related to BII phobia.

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Number matrix paradigm to investigate attentional biases for threat











We proposed a new, self-developed paradigm where participants have to search through an array, similar to a chessboard, filled with numbers starting from one to a pre-established amount, presenting every number only once.

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​Discovering the patterns of attention to threat using different visual search paradigms






Previous research showed that threatening stimuli have an advantage in visual processing and behavioral response. 

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Psychometric evaluation of specific phobia questionnaires and an epidemiological study of specific phobias








Our goal is manifold: First, to adapt well-established measurements in Hungarian and other languages and evaluate these scales on large (preferably n>2000) samples.

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Visual Cognition and Emotion Lab

H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság str. 6. | Office 204/A    +36-30/121-7035
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