Publication requirements

Until the public defense, PhD candidates are to have published the following at the mimimum: seven academic papers in scholarly journals or volumes, three of which can be reviews or translations of scholarly works. Academic journals or volumes edited or co-edited by the candidate in the appropriate language of the field are also accepted. When in doubt about the acceptability of the academic journal or the language of publication, you are kindly asked to consult your supervisor and the academic manager of the program.

The candidate is required to have participated in and presented at at least four academic conferences. Candidates are required to have been participated in an organiser capacity in a symposium, a conference, a workshop or a roundtable in their disciplinary field.

All scholarly activies, including publications and conference presentations, count towards meeting these requirements only if they are registered in the Hungarian Sciecne Bibliography (MTMT). PhD students and candidates are individually responsible in keeping their records in MTMT up to date at all times.

Irodalom- és Kultúratudományi Doktori Iskola

H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság u. 6.