Systems of Teacher Training at EDUC Universities

Systems of Teacher Training at EDUC Universities


Potsdam + Online

Gerner Zsuzsanna előadásának témája a Magyarországon 2022 szeptemberétől életbe lépő új típusú tanárképzés. Az előadásokba online is be lehet kapcsolódni.

Plakát (pdf)

Digital lecture series
From an international perspective, there are significant differences in the implementation of teacher
education. This series of lectures makes it possible to get to know the different systems and thus also
to learn from one another. In terms of content, the lectures not only present the respective traditions
of the systems of teacher training, but also current developments and challenges. Both lecturers and
students are cordially invited!

The seven sessions always take place between 4:15 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. CET.

25. 04. 2022
Prof. Andreas Borowski, Ph.D. (Universität Potsdam, Germany): Structure and Perspectives
of the system of teacher training of the university of Potsdam

02. 05. 2022
Prof. Elio Usai, Ph.D. (Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy): Faculty development at
University of Cagliari: experiences and starting kit design

09. 05. 2022
Agnès Schermann and Cécile Robin (Université de Rennes 1, France). Teachers training in
France: the MEEF master

16. 05. 2022
Zuzana Šalamounová, Ph.D. (Masarykova Univerzita, Czech Republic): Transforming
Teacher Education in the Czech Republic: Visions and Challenges

23. 05. 2022
Pascale Manoïlov and Agnès Leroux (Université Paris Nanterre, France): Research-based
teacher training at UPN

30. 05. 2022
Zsuzsanna Gerner, Ph.D. (Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Hungary): New uniformed teacher
training in Hungary from September 2022

13. 06. 2022
Prof. Dandy George Dampson, Ph.D. (University of Education Winneba, Ghana): Transforming
Teacher Education

The lecture series will take place with the Zoom conference system. Please use the following data: (Code: 15664585).