Pályázat | Effective Altruism Intro - Course

2025. február 25.

How can we tackle the world's most pressing problems?

The Effective Altruism Intro - Course helps students answer this question, and figure out how to do the most good with our lives and careers – by introducing the ideas of Effective Altruism: the science of combining evidence and compassion to find the best opportunities for improving the world. The movement has inspired foundations and projects that have helped millions of people and animals up to date.

The Course is a 4 week program involving weekly readings and small group discussion. Fellows join a campus community of dedicated altruists and gain access to local events & conferences, grants and a global network of professionals dedicated to doing as much good as possible.

Let’s build the world we want to live in—starting now, together.

Apply now

Application deadline: March 7th, 23:59