Dr. Fekete Adrienn PhD
+36 30 185 9542
72/503 600/64015
PTE BTK, Ifjúság útja 6., A épület, 541
Fogadóórák / Office hours
Kedd /Tuesday: 15:30-16:15
Szerda / Wednesday: 12:30-15:00
Online fogadóórák Teams-en előzetes bejelentkezés alapján / Online office hours via Teams.
Please make an appointment before coming.
ORCID number:
Oktatott kurzusok a tavaszi félévben / Courses taught in the spring semester
- Individual Differences in SLA - MA program
- Teaching Culture and Intercultural Communication - Osztatlan Tanárképzés (MA) / MA in Teacher Education
- English Applied Linguistics Lecture – Anglisztika BA / BA in English Studies
- Thesis Seminar - BA, MA, osztatlan tanárképzés (MA) / BA in English Studies, MA in Teacher Education
- Academic Writing – Short Cycle Teacher Training Program
- Teaching Culture and Intercultural Communication – Short Cycle Teacher Training Program
- Classroom Techniques – Short Cycle Teacher Training Program
- Proficiency Exam Preparation Course – Grammar component – Minden program / All programs
Szakdolgozati témakörök / Thesis topics
- Identity in SLA, identity in education, identity & individual differences, teacher & learner identities, multilingual & multicultural identities
- Individual differences in SLA, the psychology of the learner / the teacher, the psychology of online and offline education
- Positive psychology, stress management, well-being, and burnout in education
- Intercultural communication: Language and culture, emotions, identity, individual and cultural empathy, cultural openness
- Emotions in SLA, the transformative potential of language learning, imagination, investment
- Educational drama, drama-based teaching & learning
- Teaching and learning English as a foreign language (EFL) vs as a lingua franca (ELF)