Dr. habil. Füzér Katalin PhD

Dr. habil. Füzér Katalin PhD

egyetemi docens
+36 30 426 9359
72/503 600/64391
PTE BTK, Ifjúság útja 6., A épület, 333









Képzettség, tudományos fokozat, habilitáció

  • Szociológia egyetemi diploma (ELTE)
  • PhD (University of Pennsylvania), habilitáció (Debreceni Egyetem)

Kutatási területek

  • bizalom,
  • társadalmi tőke,
  • innováció,
  • részvétel,
  • egyenlőtlenségek

Fontosabb publikációk

  • Füzér, K., Völgyi, B., Erát, D., Szerb, L. 2023. Global Digital Peripheries: The Social Capital Profile of Low‐Adopter Countries. Social Inclusion. DOI:10.17645/si.v11i3.6808
  • Füzér, K. 2022. Varieties of Entrepreneurship on Europe’s Periphery: Illiberal Hungary in Historical Context. International Journal of Sociology. DOI:10.1080/00207659.2022.2115672 
  • Huszár, Á, Füzér K. 2021. Improving Living Conditions, Deepening Class Divisions: Hungarian Class Structure in International Comparison, 2002–2018. East European Politics and Societies.  doi:10.1177/08883254211060872 
  • Füzér, K, Á Huszár, Á Bodor, L Bálint, A Pirmajer. 2020. Social capitals, social class, and prosperity in high-trust and low-trust societies. International Journal of Sociology DOI: 10.1080/00207659.2019.1684081



Ösztöndíjak, Kitüntetések, Díjak, Kutatási és fejlesztési projektek


  • International Scholarship, Beloit College, USA, 1992-1993
  • Excellence Scholarship, membership, Invisible College, Hungary, 1993-1997
  • Doctoral Scholarship, University of Pennsylvania, USA, 1997-2000
  • Research Fellowship, Freie Universität, Berlin, 1999-2000
  • DAAD Research Fellowship, Max-Planck-Institut, Frankfurt am Main, 2000-2001


  • university project leader and HR excellence in research (HRS4R) expert in EDUC-WIDE (Horizon), University of Pécs, partner in European Digital University (EDUC European University Alliance), 2024-2027
  • expert in EDUC-SHARE (H2020) work package on HR excellence in research (HRS4R), University of Pécs, partner in European Digital University (EDUC European University Alliance), 2023-2024
  • expert in EDUC II (Erasmus+) work package on Societal Outreach Agenda: Challenge-based Team Learning for a (Social) Entrepreneurial Mind-set, University of Pécs, partner in European Digital University (EDUC European University Alliance), 2023-2028
  • researcher in Erasmus4All (Erasmus+) work package on More Inclusive Grant Calculation Scenarios, University of Pécs, 2022-2024
  • researcher and innovation expert in Digital Solutions in the Silver Economy, Research and Innovation Initiative, University of Pécs, 2022- 
  • work package leader and researcher of the Social Science Research Group on Trust and Social Capital, Excellence Program, University of Pécs, 2018-2021
  • principal investigator researcher of „Social Capital and Urban Development” research project (OTKA 104150), Hungarian National Science Fund, 2013-2017
  • work package leader and researcher in „Model Project for Making the Most of EU Funds for Sustainable Housing and Inclusion of Disadvantaged Communities” development and research project, United Nations Development Programme, 2012-2014
  • researcher in „Managing Migration and its Effects in South-East Europe - Transnational Actions Towards Evidence Based Strategies” development and research project, EU South East Europe Programme, 2012-2014
  • expert for Integrated Urban Development Strategy, Municipality of Pécs, Hungary, 2007, 2011
  • expert for Sections “Ageing” and “Extreme Poverty” of the Local Equal Opportunities Strategy and Action Plan, Municipality of Pécs, Hungary, 2013, 2015, 2022
  • work package leader and researcher in “Cities Against Social Exclusion” development and research project, EU Interreg IIIC Programme, 2004-2007


Szakdolgozati témák

  • társadalmi struktúra, rétegződés, mobilitás;
  • társadalmi változás trendjei (globális-lokális spektrum egyik vagy több szintjén);
  • szervezeti erőforrások (fejlesztés egyéni, csapat, szervezeti szinten);
  • társadalmi innovációk